Blue Poppies by bananarama92

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Blue Poppies by bananarama92

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 3,488
Published: Nov 9, 2010


Finally, I thought, sitting on the couch and putting up my feet. I had been waiting all day for my mother to leave for her shift at the hospital, and she was finally gone. I had just picked up my book when I heard a knock at my door.

"Coming!" I called, reluctantly getting up. Obviously, there's someone at the door as soon as I get comfortable, I thought. I opened the door to find Sam standing in the hallway, her hands shoved in her pockets.

"Uh, hey." I said in confusion. Sam had only ever voluntarily come to my house twice - when we kissed and when she needed my help with Missy. Whenever Sam turned up at my door, she did something very un-Sam, and I wondered what it would be today.

"Hey, Freddifer." She said.

"Uh, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"My mom was driving me insane," she answered. Carly and Spencer had gone to Yakima for a week, so either Sam came to visit Carly out of habit and then remembered that she wasn't here, or she was really desperate. Very rarely did she choose to spend time with me. I didn't understand why, though, because we got along just fine whenever we were together. It was weird, but somewhere along the line, Sam had become my best friend. She still tortured me, but she had eased up on the physical violence and her insults had taken on a more playful nature. I had learned to just brush it off, knowing that she didn't actually mean it, and I teased her back now. It was almost like we had rubbed off on each other - Sam made me lighten up a bit, and I made Sam grow up a little. Ever since we kissed, we had slowly become closer and closer. Before that night, we denied our friendship, neither of us wanting to accept that our relationship had progressed past just acquaintances. But that night broke down all the walls we had built, and we now weren't afraid to admit to ourselves that we were friends. It had become even more obvious when Carly began dating a guy named Brandon, leaving us with only each other for company. Carly always started to spend time with us but then left to be with Brandon, so although Sam and I spent a lot of time together, we never actually chose for it to be that way.

"Okay." I said, stepping back. "Well, my mom isn't home, so if you wanna-"

"Let's go get smoothies." Sam interrupted me.

"Okay." I said. I went inside and grabbed my phone and my keys before walking back to the door where Sam was waiting in the hallway. We took the elevator down to the lobby and made our way outside. It was an uncharacteristically beautiful day in Seattle - the sky was cloudless, the sun was shining and a gentle breeze blew. I couldn't help but smile as we exited Bushwell and began walking down the street towards the Groovy Smoothie. Sam looked at me, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you smiling at, dork?"

"Just...It's a nice day, that's all." I said, gesturing broadly to the general surroundings.

"You're so lame." She said with a laugh and a shake of her head. We were walking down the street when Sam suddenly stopped, grabbing me by my arm to stop me.

"Freddie, look." She said, pointing across the street. I looked and saw a house with a garden in front. At the very front of the garden was a blue poppy bush.

"What?" I asked, looking for something of consequence. Unfortunately, Sam didn't hear me, because she had already started to cross the street. I ran to catch up with her, and she stood in front of the house.

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