101 Days of Seddie: 20 by popcorn1001

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101 Days of Seddie by popcorn1001

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,738
Published: Apr 5, 2011
Updated: Jun 17, 2014


For as long as he could remember Freddie Benson had known that when he grew up he wanted a family. A whole family, he used to tell himself, one with a mom and a dad, and a baby. He told his mother this one day, and she reminded him that they were a family (though it was just him and her) and that there were all sorts of different families. Freddie didn't give up though. He often told his mom how many children he and his future wife were going to have, though the numbers changed frequently and drastically.

Marissa Benson had smiled at her son each time it was announced and reminded Freddie each time that families were different and that having children would be incredibly stressful, but it was also the greatest joy in the world, and she sincerely hoped that her Fredward's wishes all came true.

Then the day came where Freddie announced who his future wife would be. It was the summer before sixth grade and they had just moved into the apartment building, when he saw her. Dark, dark hair, big brown eyes, she had to be the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He found out her name was Carly and he thought that was the most beautiful name he had ever heard.

"Mom," he informed his mother, "I'm going to marry Carly someday, I love her."

And Mrs. Benson didn't like the fact that her son already had his life planned out, and she'll admit it, she loves Freddie so much that she doesn't want to let him go. Besides he's too young to know what true love is anyway. Even so, Mrs. Benson is just as crushed as Freddie every time he hears Carly's rejection. All she wants is for Freddie to be happy and safe, and with the Shay's across the hall, she doesn't think he'll ever be in more danger (that Spencer was a nutcase) or more hurt (why can't Carly love her son?).

Freddie doesn't give up though, comes up with a master plan that makes Mrs. Benson smile ruefully. She hears what their children's names will be and how pretty Carly will look on the wedding day and how, Sam will not be invited unless she starts being nicer to Freddie.

The years pass and Freddie seems to grow out of his infatuation with Carly, though he stills talks about having a family with a mom and a dad. Mrs. Benson is pleased that he has outgrown his longtime crush and asked him that since he's realized he and Carly will never have kids together, what will his children look like now?

"I'm going to have two kids, a boy and a girl. The girl will have blonde hair and my eyes, and the boy will have my hair and blue eyes." Freddie grinned as he imagined his future.

Mrs. Benson's fear returned fast, because she doesn't think he even realized it, but Freddie had just described children so reminiscent of both him and Samantha Puckett. And she doesn't like the idea that her Freddie is falling for a girl so rough around the edges, but she finds she doesn't hate it either, after all she suspected that his feeling were to be returned this time at least.

Years pass again, and soon Freddie's getting the future he always wanted, though not exactly the way he planned it. He knew that dating Sam had been crazy and stressful, he knew marrying Sam would be crazy and stressful, and now as he holds back a handful of blonde curls with one hand and rubs his wife back with the other hand, thinks this will be the most stressful time he's ever faced.

"I hate you, Benson!" Sam moaned, before disappearing back inside the toilet bowl.

Freddie smiled despite the insult that was hurled (pardon the pun) at him, because he knows she doesn't mean it. Freddie found himself thinking that it was a little ironic, "I can't believe the smell of any pork product makes me puke," Sam complained, "No bacon.... No pork chops... no ham... I hate you."

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