Leave Out All The Rest by angels.02.music

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Leave Out All The Rest by angels.02.music

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Aug 15, 2009


She woke up, panting. She just had a dream... that had a great possibility of being true. She closed her eyes and thought about the dream again.

Everybody was dressed in black... all standing under a pretty large tent at the cemetery during a overcast rainy day on Seattle... everybody was there... even the people she would have never thought would come. The people she knew despised her because of all the things that she has done to them... But they were there... standing over a white casket. Everybody... Carly, crying, very, very hard. Her one hand gripping her sides as she tried to pull herself together, and the other massaging her slowly showing belly. Gibby, standing there, along with Jeremy, Rip-off-Rodney, the friends she made over the years... everybody was there... everybody except for him. Somehow he didn't attend the funeral service. He did not even come to hold his pregnant wife and try to sooth her while she was mourning for her best friend. But no, he wasn't there. He was nowhere in sight. She couldn't believe that he wasn't there.

Soon a very stunning girl stepped forward, a few steps away from the mourning crowd. She was around average height, with her silky blonde hair falling down on neat, flowing curves behind her back. She was wearing a plain white dress, to which might be the uniform color that everybody was wearing, that went up to her knees and kept her shoulders and back bare. Her bright blue eyes were sparkling with tears, her usual happy demeanor gone from her angelic face. In her hand was a yellow lily.

She took a few more hesitant steps towards the casket. She took a very shaky breath as she stood in front of the closed casket. She placed the yellow lily on top of the casket and walked over to the podium.

She opened her eyes again, gasping for breath. The rest of the dream still playing on her head, as if on loop. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she hastily wiped them. No, I will not break down. She thought determinedly. Her mind wasn't working with her body tonight, as tears still started to flow.

She tried her best to shy away from her dream that was acting as if to enclose her into a tight box, suffocating her. She placed a hand over her chest. It was aching now, as if something was constricting around her heart.

She attempted to take deep breaths but they just came out as pants. She took her other arm, that wasn't clutching her chest, to reach for the cup of water at her side table. Her hand was shaking badly but she managed to be able to get it to her mouth. She drank the water until the last drop was gone from the cup. She has calmed down a bit by now.

She placed the cup back gently on the side table and just sat there for a moment... contemplating. She already knew what was happening to her, she didn't need a doctor to tell her that our old family companion was doing his job. Our family's Silent Killer.

She remembers the day when it all started...

She was on her way towards her boyfriend's apartment. It was their two year anniversary. She was happy, very happy. She and her boyfriend have been dating since their senior year on high school, when he finally got the guts to go and ask her out.

To tell you the truth she was so impatient with him and she was about to ask him out at around the same time he was too. They're just starting their sophomore year on college by now. Just a couple of months in from the school year. His dorms were closer to the buildings, since he was one of the honor students, he got the better dorms.

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