Seddie Oneshots: 526 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,619
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Can you at least pretend you're about to do math homework with us?" Carly asked, rolling her eyes as she watched her best friend scribble aimlessly in the margins of her textbook.

"Nope," Sam said simply.

"Alright, let's do a little mathematics," Freddie said happily, coming into the studio with two bottles of iced tea. "Here you go, Carly. Now, lets-"

"Hey," Sam frowned. "Where's my iced tea? I asked for one too."
"I know," Freddie shrugged. "But then I decided...nah."

Sam glared at him but said nothing.

"Anyway, I'm gonna have to call it quits here after an hour," Freddie said, sitting down in his beanbag chair. "Since somebody messed up my dream job last month, I need to head down to the mall to put in new applications. Do me a favor this time, Sam. Stay at least thirty feet away from any place that hires me."
"Okay, okay," Carly said quickly. "Let's focus on math here."

"Fine," Freddie agreed, opening his textbook.

Carly glanced over at Sam, who was looking down at her book, still doodling, but looking very distracted.

"So," Carly said, clearing her throat. "I think we should tackle this first section before we worry about anything else. How about I work on number's 1-20, Freddie, you do 21-40, and Sam, you do 41-60. Then we can all check each others work. With the three of us, it shouldn't take any longer than forty-five minutes."
"With Sam? Ha!" Freddie scoffed. "It would take her forty-five minutes just to count to sixty."

"Freddie!" Carly hissed.

Sam simply rolled her eyes but made no response.

"Well, um, let's get to work then, guys," Carly said.

A few minutes had passed of the three teens working in silence.

"Hey," Freddie chuckled suddenly. "Listen to this word problem. Jill and Joe are going on a date. Jill wants fourteen total boxes of candy from the movie theatre. If some of the boxes cost five dollars and some of them cost seven, how many of each box did Jill get if Joe pays sixty dollars?"

"Wow...I guess Jill loves her candy," Carly smiled. "But what's so funny about it?"

"Oh I was just thinking about the days when I, like poor Joe, was forced to buy unappreciative girlfriends mountains of candy at the movie theatre," Freddie said.

Sam looked up from her book.

"Thank goodness those days are over," Freddie went on. "I mean really, one time me and Sam were at the movies and I had to buy her three tubs of popcorn, nachos, those chocolate covered raisin things and a giant slushy!"
"You said you didn't mind," Sam said softly.

"Oh, and then there was the time we went to Boso's Barbecue Hut," Freddie continued, apparently not hearing Sam. "And not only did she order like, twelve plates of chicken, she practically bathed in the barbecue sauce! It was expensive and embarrassing!"

"You said you were proud to be dating the girl who broke the chicken record there," Sam said.

"Yeah, because that's every guys dream," Freddie grinned. "Why date a nice girl when you can date a girl who can eat the entire kitchen of a barbecue joint?"

"Freddie, stop!" Carly said firmly, but it was too late. Sam slammed her book shut and stormed out of the studio.

Freddie's grin faltered as Carly shot him a nasty stare before running after her. Was it just him...or did Sam look as though she had a few tears running down her face before she left?

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