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I sat on the floor of Krystal's living room, my legs tucked under me as I leaned against the couch

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I sat on the floor of Krystal's living room, my legs tucked under me as I leaned against the couch.

My head was spinning with everything that had just happened with my parents.

Though Soo-hyun had been with me every step of the way, now that I was alone with my friends and sisters, I felt the full weight of the confrontation settle on my shoulders.

Krystal sat next to me, rubbing my arm soothingly. "Hey, I'm proud of you," she said softly. "Standing up to your parents like that? That's no small thing, Ji-won."

I smiled weakly, though it didn't quite reach my eyes. "It didn't feel very brave," I admitted. "It felt terrifying. I didn't expect them to react like that. I thought... maybe they'd try to understand, or at least listen."

"They're your parents," Tae-hee unnie said, sitting on the opposite couch, my arms crossed thoughtfully. "They've spent your whole life planning things for you. When you challenge that, of course it's going to feel like a personal betrayal to them."

"They think they're doing what's best for you," Krystal added. "But they don't understand that what's best for you isn't always the same as what they want."

I looked down at my hands, which were clasped tightly in my lap. "I just thought... they'd care about my happiness. But all they talked about was security, status, and how I'm throwing away my future with Soo-hyun."

My younger sister, Jisoo, who had been silent until now, scooted closer. "Ji-won unnie, they'll come around eventually. They love you. They're just shocked right now because you're choosing something they didn't plan for. Give them time."

I nodded, though my heart ached with doubt. "I hope you're right, unnie. But what if they never come around? What if I lose them forever because of this?"

Krystal exchanged a glance with Tae-hee unnie before leaning in closer to me. "You won't lose them forever. It might take longer than you'd like, but they're your family. And families fight. They struggle. But deep down, they still love you."

Tae-hee unnie voice was calm but firm. "And even if it takes them a while to see things your way, you have us. We're your family too, Ji-won. You're not alone in this."

My eyes welled up with tears at my sister's words. "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

"We're not going anywhere," Tae-hee unnie said, her lips curving into a small smile. "We're here, through it all. Whatever happens with Mom and Dad, we've got your back."

Krystal nodded, my expression softening as she grabbed my hand. "You've got a whole team behind you, Ji-won. You've got me, Soo-hyun, your sisters, and Hae-in. We're all here for you. Don't forget that."

I wiped away the tears that threatened to spill over, taking a deep, shaky breath. "I just didn't expect it to hurt this much. I thought I was prepared for them to be upset, but hearing them say those things... it really stung."

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