dodgebrawl (4)

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The awake-a-thon was over and we were set to go through another day of challenges. What would today bring? Jump through a ring of fire? I could only pray for the best. I sat with my head on the table falling in and out of sleep. Me and Gwen werre the last two standing from our team, Gwen winning for us, so I decided to let her rest and got ready with Izzy this morning.

I still had eyebags from yesterday, but they would go away eventually. I half listen to Lindsey as she blabs about a certain concealer that she brought to camp. I nodded my head every now and then to fake interest. All I wanted was to sleep.

"You think the challenge today will be the opposite of awake-a-thon. A sleep a-thon?"

"Hmm I hope it's a talent contest.", Lindsey replies playing with a strand of her hair.

"You say that all the time Lind-siot.", Noah says. He was sitting on the other side of me.

"Well it's actually not a bad idea. Noah." I say defending the blonde. "Just becasue you lack talent doesn't mean that everyone else does." Lindsey smiles at me for backing her up.

"You're very grouhcy today. Maybe you need more beauty rest. Those eyebags aren't cute sweetie."

I sit up to reply to the smart alec, but then Chris goes over to the bass table to mess with Duncan.

"Duncan, you look like death dude."

"Stick it." The delinquent replies.

"Harold snored all night." Courtney chimes in.

"Wow, four nights with no sleep. How much are you hurting?"

"Wanna find out?"

Chris puts his hands up in surrender as the door to the lodge opens. In walks Harold with marker writing on his lips where his stache should be. He walks in and we all snicker at him. He sits with his teammates and they laugh as well.

"Okay, what!?", he asks as he's out the loop.

"Someone messed with your face dude.", Geoff informs him. Harold grabs a spoon to see for himself. Instead of being mad , he smiles and admires himself.

"Hey everyone, it's Gwen!"

The woman of the hour sulks in and sits at the table. Our team cheers for her while I clap, as I'm not as enthusiastic as I normally am.

"Yay! Why are we clapping?", Lindsey whispers to me.

"For Gwen."

Courtney is fuming from across the room.

"I'm so tired. I can't feel my face." She then falls face first onto the table.


Courtney: "We are so stinking right now. Okay yes, Eva was a psycho. But at least she was an athletic psycho!"

***confessionals end***

I hear Heather speaking to Lindsey and Beth but tune them out. Gwen sits up from her a spot across from me. I smile at her and she does the same, even though she's more tired than I am.

"Hey fish heads?", Heather gets up from her spot and calls to the other team. "Way to kick out your strongest palyer. Why don't you just give up now?"

Courtney gets mad and flings a spoon full of oatmeal towards Heather. Much to her dismay, it his Gwen in the face instead.

"Missed me."

I get up from seat and go sit beside Gwen to wipe the oatmeal off her face.

"Real mature Courtney." The CIT rolls her eyes at me and looks away.

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