the sucky outdoors (6)

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Chris tells us to gather around with our teams as he explains today's challenge to us. I stand beside Cody with my arms crossed. Gwen was still being distant and I needed to know why. Cody was obviously into her, so I was thinking I'd get him to tell me what went down at the talent contest. Leshawna and Izzy were dodging the question, and I wasn't exactly speaking with Lindsey at the moment. And Heather's on my list right now.

"Alright campers, this challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris says in front of all of us. "I'm not gonna lie to you some of you may not come back alive."

Some of us gasp and look around in horror.

"Just joking." Chris laughs. "All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your teams campsite in the forest. You just have to find it."

Chris tosses me a map and tosses Duncan the other map for the bass. He then does the same for the compass.

"Oh! And watch out for bears...lost a couple of interns in reproduction."

Courtney snatches the map from Duncan and Heather tries to tug on my map. I glare at her and pull it back to me. A tug of war goes on as Chris continues explaining the challenge to us.

"First team back for breakfast wins invincibility."

I get distracted when Gwen starts to walk away. Heather uses that as a chance to strip the map from me. I glare at her and drop the compass on the ground in protest.

He blows the horn and we all start off towards the woods. I start mumbling under my breath at Heather as she reaches down to pick up the compass.

"Did he say there were bears up in here?" Leshawna questions in fear.

"I had an encounter with a bear once. Let's just say his head looks real nice up on my mantle."

"Oh, this one time I saw a bear eating our garbage. he had old spaghetti noddles hanging from his big huge teeth and it looked like blood and guts. It was so gross and we thought he was eating the neighbors cat Simba but it turned out he was just gone for a week...uhh you didn't eat spaghetti did you?" Izzy rambles to Lindsey. The blonde shakes her head and Izzy jumps up and takes off running.


I walk with my arms crossed as Gwen walks away from everyone else. Cody is behind me and Heather tries to lead the rest of the team.

"Gwen, can we talk?", I call out to her.


"Look I feel so out of the loop here and I want us to be cool again. Just tell me what happened so I can fix it."

She ignores me and keeps walking. I sigh and turn around to glare at Heather.

"This is your fault, you're terrible."

"Watch it sweetie, you still kinda smell like outhouse." She pauses to scratch her arm. "Ugh, I can't decide if you or Gwen should be the next to leave." She shoulder checks me and keeps walking.

"Careful, wouldn't want to wake up to any more red ants."

"I can't believe she dumped Harold's red ant farm into my bed."

"It's almost as if actions have consequences.", I say rolling my eyes. She stops walking making everyone halt and bump into each other.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't think I don't know about you locking me in the confessional booth." I say pointing a finger at her. "You're so dead."

"Whatever." She glares at me and continues walking.

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