the big sleep (3)

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The next day approaches and I roll out of bed. It was hard to sleep peacefully with the rustling leaves outside and insects buzzing. I sit up and see that a few of my other teammates are awake. I look underneath my bed and see Gwen getting her stuff together.

"Morning Gwen!", I say in a cheerful tone.

"It's morning, how are you in such a good mood?"

"I've always been a morning person I guess.", I get off my bed and get my stuff ready to go change. "Are you going to get ready?" She nods her head and I tell her to wait up so I can go to. She nods her head at me and we go to the communal bathroom. Heather watched our interaction from her bed and glared.


Heather: Little miss sunshine and rainbows and weird goth girl seem to be getting along and that is so not good. Everyone knows that friendship equals alliance. I need to find a way to break them up.

Y/n: I really think Gwen's warming up to me. And I'm so glad!

Gwen: Y/n's very perky and friendly. Like one of those annoying hyper puppies that's always jumping and barking....but it's kinda cute. Kinda.

****confessionals end****

When we all finish changing, we all go outside our cabins and see Chris with his megaphone and a mischievious grin on his face. I stand next to Bridgette as she tells me about the campfire ceremony last night.

Cody goes up to Eva, an intimidating gym girl with black hair to try and spark up a conversation. She has her mp3 player in and a stone cold look on her face. He starts to reach for her musci device. She sees out of the corner of her eye and tries to bite him. She then growls at him and he gives her an apologetic look.

"Mornin' campers. Hope you slept well."

"Hi Chris. You look really buff in those shorts.", Heather's attempt to butter up the host falls short as he already has a massive ego.

"I know. Okay, I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one miniute."

"Oh excuse me, I don't know if that's enough time for brekfast." Owen complains.

"Oh you'll get breakfast big guy. Right after you complete your 20 kilometer run around the lake!"

"Oh so you're funny now." Eva starts. "You know what I think would be funny-", she begins to walk towards Chris but Duncan and Geoff hold her back. Courtney whispers to her to calm down and she finally backs off.


Courtney: Okay that Eva girl, has got to control her temper. She's only been here one day and she's already thrown her suitcase out a window and broken the lock on one of the bathroom doors.

****confessionals end****

We line up and wait for Chris to send us off. I get in a sprinter's start as he counts us off.

"Okay runners. On your marks, get set, go!" We begin to take off and I start at a steady pace. I don't want to get too out of breath since it would be a long run.


Y/n: "See the key is to start at like 70% and then keep a steady pace. Then towards the end you give it all you've got." I give the camera a smug look and cross my arms

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