not so happy campers (1)

256 7 22

audition tape

The camera shows  you in your bedroom standing in front of your bed adjusting the video camera.

You clear your throat and take a step back. "Hello total drama! My name's Y/n. So why should I be on your show? Well A, I love trying new things. B I'm really outgoing and will make lots of friends. And C, I'm a winner." I pan my camera to my trophy case and then hold it up to show them my room. "I like to experience life and could use a break from my usual life. I'll miss my friends, yeah, but like, this would be a great opportunity for me to meet new people. So pick me! You won't regret it."

The video ends and you smile as you get ready to upload your video.


Your boat nears the shore. A group a people become visible as you near your destination. You collect your belongings and get ready as the boat comes to a halt. You hop off the boat and are immediately greeted as a short man with black hair uses his hands to gesture towards you and introduce you to the other contestants.

"Y/n campers, campers, Y/n."

"Hiiiiii~" You grip the strap of your shoulder bag and examine the other contestants. "So, uh, where's the hotel...and the hot tub....and literally anything other than this."

"Welcome to camp Wawanakwa."

You give him a blank stare and walk over towards the other campers. You settle between two blonde girls, one with a ponytail and surfboard tucked underneath her arm. The other girl looks like an airhead with a bandana headband and big blue eyes.

The surfer girl looks at you and smiles, and you do the same in return. You all direct your attention to another boat coming towards you all. A red head girl with curly hair and a green two-piece comes into view and she begins walking off the dock. Unfortunately for her, she misses a step and face plants onto the dock, then falls into the lake.

"Ouuuu!That was bad!", a boy with a red tracksuit says with a laugh. You stifle a laugh as well as a brunette girl races over to fish her out.

"Guys! She could be seriously hurt." She pulls the red head out of the water and she shakes the water off of her like a dog, leaving the brunette awestruck.

"That!Except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? That is so cool! Do you have paper mache here? Are having lunch soon-"

"That, is a great question!", a big guy with blonde hair agrees.

The black haired man from earlier, who I learned was Chris McClain from the surfer chick, conducted all of us to stand by the dock for promo pics. I abandon my luggage and get ready pose between and tall black guy and a nerdy boy with red hair and glasses. I settle on leaning onto the black guy while he wraps his arm around me.

"Okay, one..two..three. Oops, my bad, forgot the lense cap. Alright, hold that pose. One...two... oop- no wait, cards full."

"C'mon man, my face startin' to freeze.", a black girl snaps.

"Yeah, I got it. Okay, everyone say: Wawanakwa-"

Just as we say that, I hear the dock beneath us creaking. We all fall into the water while the host continues to snap pics, as if he'd orchastrated the whole thing.

"Okay you guys, go dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten."

We all, well those of us who can, swim to the shore, annoyed that we're soaking wet. I get ready to get out when the black guy reaches his arm out to assist me. I smile and accept his hand.

𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now