Chapter 1: Destroy The DollHouse

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I can't sleep.I still can't sleep. It has been a whole year since we escaped "Charles" and I can't close my eyes without feeling trapped again. Every time I am close to sleep,images of the DollHouse run across my brain,and suddenly,I can't catch my breath,and it's not the same breathlessness I used to experience while swimming.It's different.It's terrifying.Some nights all I can hear are screams and all I can imagine are my best friends being tortured,and it's all my fault.In my nightmares,my brain forgets that I didn't cause my friends any pain or suffering,my brain forgets it was all Charles' mind games.

I lie in bed with all the lights on,and the curtains pulled tightly shut.Some nights I phone Aria,other nights I phone Spencer,but most nights I phone Hanna.She seems to understand.Not log after we escaped,she admitted to me that she had stripped her walls bare,and thrown out all of the belongings that once graced the corners of her room.She too had nightmares and barely slept.Aria and Spencer din't have the same understanding.

But one night,Hanna didn't pick up when I called or answer when I sent texts.Neither did Aria or Spencer.In my desperation I phoned Paige.

"Emily,it's late,what's wrong?".

"I can't sleep".

"You can never sleep".

"That's not my fault".

"Listen,Emily.I can't do this anymore.I moved away from Rosewood to escape all the demons and ghosts and every time I pick up the phone and answer your calls,I'm back there again.I just can't do it anymore Em".

"Are you saying it's over?".

"It was over a long time ago Emily,but we were still holding onto the remnants.I need a clean break.Please don't try to contact me anymore.Goodbye,Emily".

The line had gone dead.Paige had just cut my heart out and shredded it.Everybody who was supposed to be my friends,the people I could turn to,had abandoned me when I needed them most.

Except...I picked up the phone again and dialed before I could stop myself.




"Yeah,it's me".

"What's wrong?Are you ok?".

"Ali,I can't sleep,can we talk?". 

"Em,we can always talk,do you need me to come over?".

"No,I just need you to tell me I'll be ok".

When the sun finally came through the curtains at 6am,I hung up the phone and got dressed.I sat by the window and watched everybody walk by.Aria walked past the house and looked up at the window.She smiled and waved,and then hurried along.She was on her way to college,like everyone else.If I didn't hurry I'd be late to work.I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.It was strange.Aria,Alison,me.We were the only people left in Rosewood.We were the only people that were a stone's throw away from another A attack.Hanna and Spencer had moved away for college,and Toby and Caleb had followed them.Mona had moved away and was getting treatment in a clinic for the "mentally troubled". Andrew moved after the police arrested him for the third time in connection with the DollHouse.

Everyone had fled,except us.I had continued working at the Brew,Aria had rejected her offer of a place in art college and taken a place in Hollis,in the Art Appreciation and Other Areas course,after Mike was admitted into Cartle Mental Institution,after he was found on the roof of Radley holding hands with Mona and standing on the ledge.She had decided to stay close for Mike.Alison didn't apply for college so she took a job in Jason's office.

It was only us.The three roses of Rosewood.

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