Chapter 21: The Beauty Of The Bride(s)

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It had been six months.Six months since we had buried A, and six months since Alison had asked me to marry her and finally it was our wedding day. 

"Ready?" Spencer asked as she entered my bedroom.

"Are you kidding me? I've been ready for this day since I met Alison" I laughed. We had been trough so much together and there had been a time when I was certain that I'd never be able to love Alison again, because my trust had been so betrayed.But I realized I could never stay mad at Alison for too long, because I loved her too much, and I knew she loved me too. I stood in front of the bedroom mirror and smoothed down my dress. It was a blush coloured floor length gown that my mom had helped choose.

"Your dad would be so incredibly proud of you, Em" Spencer smiled, holding my hand. I smiled back at her and tried to hold back tears.Alison had told me that she wanted to be the one to wait at the top of the aisle, so I had asked my mom to give me away.She was waiting in the living room with the other girls, carrying out some last minute preparations. Spencer looked out my bedroom window and a big smile spread across her face.

"The cars are here! It's time for you to get married" she beamed as she guided me out of the bedroom. I took a deep breath before we headed down the stairs, where everyone was waiting.

"Oh Emily!" my mom gasped, tears filling her eyes as she saw me.

"Emily, you look so amazing!" Hanna smiled, pulling me in for a hug.

"You look so, so beautiful" Aria smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Are you ready, Em?" my mom asked, teaching for my hand.

"I've always been ready".




"Ali, we have to leave now, you have to be there before Em, remember?" Jason laughed.

"Two minutes, Jas" I answered, checking my reflection one last time. Emily and I had both chosen blush coloured wedding dresses, but while hers was a full length, mine was ballerina length.

"Ali, we're not totally matching, that's cringey" Emily had laughed, when her mom had brought us out dress shopping.As I fixed a loose strand of hair, I couldn't stop my smile from spreading. I was finally marrying Emily Fields today.

"C'mon sis, we've finally found someone crazy enough to marry you, let's not keep them waiting"Jason joked, reaching for my hand.

"Thank you for being here Jas" I smiled, squeezing his hand. " I know we've not been the closest all the time, but it means a lot that you're here for me today".

"I'm always here for you Ali. Now, c'mon, you have a wedding to get to".




"Are you nervous?" my mom asked me as the car stopped outside Hollis. Behind Hollis, there was a woodland area, with a beautiful sheltered platform area, where Aria brought us for a summer picnic years ago, and Alison had always said how it would be such a romantic place to get married. It had a small lake beside it and the platform had fairy lights surrounding it, so it was the perfect setting for our wedding.

"Honestly, I'm not nervous at all. I'm marrying the love of my life, and I'm the calmest I've been in my entire life" I answered. We got out of the car and the girls got out of the car that had followed. We had asked them to be our bridesmaids and they were all dressed in beautiful lilac dresses.

The platform had been absolutely transformed, with beautiful twinkling fairy lights hanging above us  and tea lights lining out an aisle. The guests car had beautiful blush coloured bows tied to  the back of them, and at the top of the aisle, there was Ali, looking more radiant than I had ever seen her before. I reached for my mom and she linked my arm, smiling at me for reassurance. We walked up the aisle, and the closer we got to Ali, the wider my smile got.

"You look so beautiful, Em" Ali gasped, wiping tears away.

"Not as beautiful as my future wife" I smiled, wiping away my own tears.


"Congratulations Mrs and Mrs Dilaurentis- Fields" Aria beamed, hugging us close. Our wedding day had been so beautiful and memorable, and now it was time for our honeymoon. As we got into our taxi, Hanna came running towards the car, with Caleb in tow.

"Call us when you get to Paris, and have a fabulous time" Hanna hollered, leaning her head into the taxi.

"We got you a present to lead you into married life" Caleb added, reaching into the taxi to hand us each a small box.

Thank you guys, we'll call you when we land " I smiled as the taxi pulled out. We opened Hanna and Caleb's  present as the taxi turned the corner. They had gifted us a locket each, with our wedding date engraved on the front.

"They're gorgeous" I sighed.

"Oh my god" Ali gasped, bursting into tears. She showed me the back of her locket, and turned mine over, to check they were the same. On the back, there was an Eiffel tower, and engraved underneath- "How about forever?".

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