Chapter 4: The Ali They Need

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I had been sitting by the window of my room,reading,when I noticed the light bounce off it.I pulled back the netting and saw Ezra's car parked outside Emily's house.He was stood at the porch with Emily and they were both talking to Pam.Emily was  only coming back from her shift at the Brew now.How strange.Ezra left the porch and started the car.I saw the light come on in Emily's room.

A few minutes later my phone rang.I checked the caller I.D. It was Emily. 

"Hey,Em.Is everything OK?".

"Ali,I need you to come over right now. Like RIGHT NOW!".

She sound hysterical. She was practically screaming down the phone at me. It had me really worried. 

"OK,Em,but you need to calm down and tell me what's wrong".

"I  think...oh my god,oh my god,oh my god...I think A killed my dad".

Before I knew it my feet were carrying me out of my garden and down the street.I reached Emily's front garden and could see the scene unfolding on the porch. There was Emily,and Pam,and an Army officer. Oh no. As I approached the porch, Emily saw me and dropped to her knees. I came up the porch and cradled her in my arms,like a small helpless child. 

"He's dead,Ali. My dad's dead.My dad's dead".

"I'm here for you,Em.Don't worry". 

I helped Emily up off the ground,and sat her on the porch swing. Pam needed my help as much as Emily. As she stood crying on the porch, grieving her husband,I realized it was all my fault. Everything was all my fault. I needed to be the Ali everyone wanted me to be. It wouldn't change what had happened but it might stop it happening again. 

"Mrs.Fields,you and Emily can stay my house tonight". 

Mrs.Fields had never been my biggest fan,but when she turned to face me,she pulled me into a hug. 

"I'm sorry Alison,I'm so sorry. I wish it was different,I wish it was all so different".

We sat on the porch swing. Pam,Em and I,arms intertwined,sitting in silence until Jason appeared on the porc,breathless and red faced.

"Oh,thank god,Ali,when I saw the front door wide open,and your room empty,I didn't know what to think. I've been walking this street,panicking. Why did you come here?". 

I looked at him,and all I could feel was regret. Regret that I had not spent all my time being a good sister. Jason was the one person I could confide in. I couldn't lose him. 

"I'm sorry ,Jason. I'm so sorry I scared you. But I had to leave. Jason,A killed Emily's dad". 

That night the four of us went to my house and sat in the dark. I wasn't going to be the Ali they wanted,I was going to the Ali they needed. 

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