Chapter 16: You Think You Know People

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Emily had been quiet all afternoon.She had come back from the police station,hugged me tightly and went up to her room.I sat with her mom for hours,drinking tea and fretting.

"I'm so worried about her" Pam sighed handing me another cup of tea.

"It's hit her really hard,Ezra was someone we all thought we could rely on.Even I did.When I broke up with him,he was sad but he said he'd wait for me and then he wished me a long and good life.He seemed understanding and mature about it.But he tried to kill me.He's tortured my friends.When I came back to Rosewood,he looked me in the eye like nothing had happened.I wouldn't have even suspected him.Nobody suspected Ezra.That's why it's hit Emily so hard.She thought she could trust Ezra".

Emily appeared in the doorway of the living room.

"I thought I could trust Ezra.But I don't think I can trust anybody" she sighed.

"Em" I gasped .

"I didn't mean you Ali.You're the only constant in my life right now".

Emily sat down beside me on the sofa and placed her hand over mine.Two years ago,she had held my hand for the first time at our first sleepover as a group of friends.She had reached across to intertwine her fingers with mine at 2am after waking from a nightmare.Back then I was young and stupid and had played with her emotions.Now I considered myself so lucky that I had her in my life.

"You don't have to talk about this,but what did Ezra say?"

"He said he's not done,and I know he means it.He's so evil,it makes me sick".Pam got up from the sofa and excused herself into the kitchen.

"Ali,I need to talk to you about something"Emily whispered,leaning in close.

"We have to kill Ezra".


I had left the house in a hurry,shocked at what Emily had just said.I wanted Ezra dead as much as she did,but I wasn't going to be the one with blood on my hands and neither was she.I had walked to the square,where there had once been a memorial,dedicated to me,when everyone,including Ezra had assumed I was dead.As I approached the bench that still bore a plaque with my name engraved on it,I saw someone was sitting there already.

"Ali?".It was Jason.

"Why are you here?" I questioned.

"To find peace,everything is so crazy".I sat down beside him and reached for his hand.We'd never been close but right now,I needed him more than I ever had.He squeezed my hand tightly and looked at me with concern.

"There's something wrong Ali,isn't there?

"Emily wants to kill Ezra.That's what this has done to her.She's so tortured that she's considering putting herself in danger,to keep me out of danger".Jason was as shocked as I was,and sat there in silence for a few moments.The last two years had been tough on us both.He had almost wandered past the point of no return with his drinking,and I had pretended to be dead to avoid a psychotic ex-boyfriend.We both knew it wasn't going to get any easier.

"You have to talk to Emily,you have to convince her she can't do this Jason,she won't listen to me.She thinks that if she kills him she's saving me,but what she doesn't realize is,Ezra won't stop until everyone he is out to get is dead.He'll try to kill Emily and I'm afraid that he'll get to her before she gets to him".

"Don't worry Ali,I'll sort it out".The next few minutes shocked me to my core.We left the bench and walked towards the church.As we were crossing the street,a red van turned the corner and revved up,heading towards us.As I saw it approach,I ran towards the sidewalk,pulling Jason with me.The van skidded and ran into Jason,sending him flying into the air.I saw him fall to the ground,as the side door of the van opened.Ezra stepped out,grinning menacingly.

"OH MY GOD,NO!" I screamed as I ran down the street.He ran after me,quick as lightning.

"NO,PLEASE,NO!" I screamed as I felt him gain on me.Then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head,and my legs came from under me.I could feel myself losing consciousness,but I still pleaded.

"Shut up Ali! SHUT UP! I warned you if I couldn't have you no-one could!".He was smiling,he was actually smiling.Ezra Fitz,the sweet bookish guy who liked old movies and called me his muse,that couldn't be the same guy that was staring down at me now,waiting for me to die.

You think you know people,and then they surprise you.

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