Chapter 12:You're Still Not Safe

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He was just sitting there,staring at the table.I was watching him through the glass,trying to build up the courage to face him.I opened the door and took a deep breath as soon as he saw me,he pounced out of his chair.

"Ali,you came,I'm so happy you came".

"Why me Ezra??"

"I wanted to see you"

"I want answers,I want to know everything".He sat down in his chair again,and placed his hands on the table.

"Are you actually Charles DiLaurentis,are you actually my brother?"

"What,you're asking if I'm your brother! Of course not but I knew him in Radley,we were room-mates,so I took his name,used it after he died,I knew it would strike a chord with you".

"What were you in Radley for?"

"They said I have schizophrenia.Are they serious?"

"Of course they are Ezra,YOU'RE A PSYCHO!"

"I'M NOT A PSYCHO ALI! YOU'RE THE PROBLEM! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" he screamed,jumping out of his chair,sending it flying across the room.I jumped out of my chair and headed for the door just as a police officer came in the room.


I sat back down in my car and coldly stared at him.

"Would you like me to stay in the room with you,miss?" the police officer asked.

"No thank you,I'm ok".The officer left the room and Ezra dragged his chair back across the room.Seeing him in his current state had me questioning,how had I fallen for him in the first place?But I could see I hadn't fallen for him,I had fallen for one of his many personalities.Ezra the college kid,Ezra the caring boyfriend,Ezra the teacher,Ezra the unhinged psychopath.

"Why did you do all of this,why have you been torturing my friends and I?".I later realized I wasn't ready to hear his explanation.I would never be ready to hear his explanation.

"When we broke up I was so angry.I loved you so much,and you just didn't seem to care.After you left my car,I waited and watched to see where you were going,and I saw you go into the barn.I hid behind the barn and saw you and your friends.I waited some more and followed you when you left the barn and I saw you meet Ian at the kissing rock.I couldn't believe how quickly you had moved on from me,to Ian of all people! I was so angry at this stage and all the voices in my head were telling me to get revenge so when you went back to the house,I followed behind and I hit you over the head with a rock".

"Why did my mom help you?You weren't anything special to her!"

"After Charlie died,Jessica was so distraught,she'd still come to Radley,expecting to see Charlie,and every time she came to visit,I sat with her and talked about Charlie.I was his room mate and best friend,so I spent hours speaking with Jessica,so she saw me like a son.So when she saw me attack you,she knew how much trouble I'd be in if the police found out I'd killed you,so she buried you".

"You tried to kill me because I dumped you?"

"I swear Ali,that I regretted it the minute it happened.I was so devastated that I didn't return back to Radley.I had been studying at Hollis when I was in Radley as I had out privileges and I achieved a diploma,so when I left Radley,Jessica hid me in your Aunt Carol's house for a while until I got a job in Rosewood,and then my plan begun,I met Mona the week before I met Aria.I was outside the local bookstore and we both went for the same book.I liked her so we went for coffee and she told me about you and the girls and all the horrible things you had done and said.So I let her in on my plan and she agreed to work with me to get revenge on your friends.I had heard that they were happy that you were gone,that they were enjoying their lives without you,so I had to get them.I hung out in places I thought your friends would go,and when Aria walked into the bar,I began talking to her.I had to pretend to like her so she wouldn't suspect me when the A texts began.I got Mona to send those texts,but she wasn't the only person I hired".

"The girl in the red coat,you hired her,didn't you? Who is she?"

"Oh,yes,my right hand woman.I'm very proud of her work"


"Ok Ali,calm down.The girl in the red coat was CeCe Drake"

"CeCe! Why was CeCe working for you?"

"I got to know her after running into her in Rosewood and I couldn't believe how much she was like you.It was like a second Ali.She told me she knew you and that she had dated your brother,so I told her about my plan to torture the girls and she wanted in.She liked the idea of getting justice for you,and I promised I'd pay her,so it was a bonus.She was never out to hurt you Ali,just your friends"

"You're saying you never meant to hurt me,just my friends,but you attacked me in my own house,you tried to strangle me Ezra!"

"I had to get through to you,you weren't taking me seriously"

"The girls told me about some girl at Wilden's funeral,in an all black outfit,who was she?"

"The black widow?This is a good one.It was Maya"


"Oh yes,I forgot,you never met Maya,but she was Emily's girlfriend for a while and then she died.Well,at least that's what everyone thinks.I found out that there was a body buried in Alisons garden and I rigged the files to make it appear like it was Maya.I hired her to work with me after realizing she was dating Emily.I approached Maya and told her about the girls and how happy they were that you were dead.I even managed to convince her that the girls might have been involved in your death.I got her to dress up and go to Wilden's funeral.I killed him because he was going to expose me.He said he had seen you around,that you were still alive,and that he was going to find you and find out who tried to kill you.He came to see me because he knew that I taught your friends and he taught I might know if one of them was suspicious.I was seriously tempted to tell him Aria had done it.Having to pretend to love that bitch was so exhausting".

The hatred in his words sent a chill through my spine.I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.He was seriously a psychopath.He had never loved Aria.He had been torturing my friends for years and all because in his sick,twisted brain he thought he was doing me a favour.I pushed my chair back and stood up.I felt cold and empty inside.

"Don't ever ask for me to visit you again Ezra.I thought we used to have something,but I moved on and I thought you were in love with one of my best friends,but the whole time,you were living a lie.If you thought you could win me back by doing this,you are sadly mistaken".I opened the door of the visiting room and stood aside as the officer came back in to bring Ezra back to his cell.

"Officer,please take my name off the visiting list,I won't be returning".I walked out of the room and as I walked through the main office I could hear Ezra scream-"YOU'LL REGRET THIS ALI! YOUR FRIENDS STILL AREN'T SAFE!".

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