Chapter 5: The Five of Us.

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There we were,like old times,the five of us huddled together.But I wasn't happy,because the only reason they were back was because today was the day of my dad's funeral.Charles hadn't buried my dad,like they had indicated in the photo they had stuck on my mirror,but Charles had killed him,I was sure of it.Aria,squeezed my hand while Hanna hugged me.

"Thank you guys so much for being here" I said as I wiped tears away.

"We will always be here for you Em,whenever you need us,just call" Hanna reassured me.

"I did call you Hanna,two nights ago,and you didn't pick up" I frowned.

"I'm sorry,Em,I was going through a bit of a crisis myself ,my mom left Ted".

"Oh my God,why did she do that?" Spencer gasped.

"Not important.We're here for Emily" Hanna smiled,hugging me again.

"I think it's time to go into the church" Alison interjected.

As we went up the steps of the church,Alison reached for my hand.

"I'll always be here for you Em,day or night,I'll be here for you".

"Thank you,Ali".

As we sat in the church,I scanned around looking at all the men who served with my dad.He was loved,liked and well respected.Charles would pay for taking my dad away from me.I then gathered  all my strength and prepared to go up to the altar.

"Would you like me to come with you?" Ali questioned,whispering in my ear.

"No I'm good".

The pastor finished the gospel and cleared his throat.

"We will now hear from Emily Fields,Wayne's only child and daughter".

I took a few deep breaths and willed myself to go up to that altar and give my dad the send-off that he deserved.

"Hello,everybody.As many of you know,I'm Emily,Wayne's daughter.I was up all night trying to construct a speech that would include all the little bits that made my dad the wonderful person that he is and was,but then I realized that my dad would prefer that I speak from the heart.My dad was one of the strongest an bravest people I know and even though there were times when I didn't see him for months,I knew that when I got to spend time with him,those times were precious,and those time were some of the best.My dad fought for people who couldn't and I am so proud he is and was my dad.He will always be,in my opinion,a hero,and the best man I have ever known,and I'm so sorry I have to say goodbye".

Later outside the church,Ali offered to drive me home.

"Can we go for a walk instead?" I asked.

"Of course,Em,whatever you want".

Alison was a different Ali,more understanding,quieter,softer.16 year old Ali would have sighed and said "Emily,if I wanted to walk,I would have offered to walk",and then she would have stormed off,drove home and ignored me for the best part of a week.But this Ali took my hand and walked with me.

"Why was I the last one you called?".

"I didn't want to bother you,I felt like I was bothering everyone else,and they went through exactly what I went through.So I felt trying to get you to listen to something that you could't relate to would just make you angry,or irritated".

"I made such a mistake the first time,Em.You loved me and I used you like a doll,because I could.It was one of the stupidest things I have ever done and this time I want to do things right.I will listen to anything you want me to,even if I don't understand it or relate to it because I love you Emily and I want to be there for you".

I took both of Alison's hands and pulled her close to me.She leaned in and kissed me,softly,on the lips.After she pulled away,she placed her head on my shoulder,so her mouth was in line with my ear.

"I love you Emily Fields" she whispered.

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