Chapter 13: He's Still Here

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"She's been in there for,like,years"Aria sighed.

"Aria she is talking to A.The guy who tortured us for years,so I'm guessing that she has a few things to say to him" I reminded her.As soon as I finished my sentence,I saw the doors of the police station open.I unbuckled my seat belt and ran out of the car.Ali noticed me and ran towards me.

"Oh my god Emily,I'm so glad you're here.Please,please can we go home".I pulled Ali close and tried to stop her from crying.I could feel her shaking violently,so we sat down on the bench outside the station.

"Aria's waiting in the car.We don't have to go back to the car yet"

"Emily,he's not the Ezra I knew,it was so scary,I just-".Ali broke down in tears again and grabbed for my hand.

"Listen to me Emily,please listen,I love you so much and I'm sorry that I've messed you around so much these past few years,but I've honestly never been so glad to have someone in my life as I am to have you".I squeezed Ali's hand and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

"Ali,whatever's happened in the past is exactly that,the past.We'll get through this,just like we've got through everything else.Forget Ezra,or Charles,or whatever he calls himself.All that matters now is us". We held each others hand and got up off the bench. Aria jumped out ofbtye car as she saw us coming. 

"Ali,oh thank god,you're OK" she gasped rushing towards Ali. 

"Aria,you can't go see Ezra,I know you want to but you can't, he's not the Ezra I thought I knew"Ali warned Aria as we got back in the car. 

Hours after we returned home,Ali divulged what Ezra said to her. 

"He's never loved Aria,he's been faking it the whole time and he doesn't even care,that's the scary part. He's been running the show the whole time,he didn't steal the game from Mona,it just switched hands. They were working together the whole time,and he had people working for him called Redcoat and Black Widow and he told me who they were and why they did what they did"

"Who are they? Tell me Ali!"

"Redcoat was CeCe Drake. She began working with Ezra after. he told her lies about what happened to me. And Emily,there's something really important that you have to know,Maya is still alive. She's the Black Widow. She's the one that showed up at Ezra's funeral,she's been helping Ezra,because Ezra convinced her that one of you killed me. But Ezra was the one who tried to kill me,and what he said before I left has scared me so much"

"What did he say? Did he threaten you? Did he try to hurt you?"

"No it's not me he threatened, he threaten to hurt you and Aria,and possibly even Spencer and Hanna. He said "you'll regret this Ali,you're friends still aren't safe",I'm afraid he's still got connections to CeCe and Maya and that they may try to hurt you,so that's why we have to leave Rosewood. You,me and Aria. NOW!"

"Ali,we can't just pack up and run,I have a job,my mom needs me,Aria's in college,and Mike needs her.I mean where would we even go?"

"Anywhere.We could bring your mom and Aria wouldn't have to worry Mike's safe he's being looked after.My dad would understand,Ara's parents would understand.We have to leave Emily,we have to go.Ezra has tried to take you away from me too many times and I'm not letting it happen again.Do you understand?Ezra might be locked up at the moment but he's still here.He's everywhere." Ali broke down in tears,reaching out for me.I could see she was tired,tired of everything Ezra had put us through.I rested my head on her shoulder,and tried to think of what to say next.

"We're not leaving Ali,we're staying right here and we're going to prove to him that we're done.We can't let him win,we've been his puppets for years,it's time we started pulling the strings"

"What about CeCe and Maya?"

"What about them?If CeCe Drake thinks I'm afraid of her,she better think again.And I'll find Maya,and make sure this all stops.We're going to get our lives back Ali". Just as I said that,a knock came on the door.

"Do you think it' of them?" Ali gulped.I went to the door and looked out the peephole,No-one was on the porch.I opened the door,and saw a white envelope at my feet.I picked it up and opened it.

"He's still here.We're still here.You're still our puppets,and your strings can't be cut.It takes a bitch to know one.Enjoy your sleep while you can,

B.V & R.C".

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