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"Please raise a toast to Mr and Mrs Toby Cavanaugh"  Aria hollered, raising her champagne glass."And let's not forget that Emily and Alison are celebrating their first anniversary today!".Emily squeezed my hand and blushed bright red. Toby and Spencer had finally married after dancing around the fact that they were perfect for each other. Toby had proposed to Spencer when Emily and I were in Paris on our honeymoon.

"Of course you guys would have to steal the show " Hanna joked later, as she pulled us in for a hug while we were at the bar. Caleb appeared behind Hanna and rested his hand on her stomach. She was six months pregnant at this stage and approaching motherhood was a very good look on her.

"So, Caleb, seen as everyone is in the wedding spirit, the question begs, when are you gonna put a ring on it?" Emily laughed.

"I'd marry this girl in a heartbeat, Em, but she's insistent on fitting into her pre pregnancy jeans before I get down on one knee" Caleb laughed.

"Vera Wang doesn't design maternity wedding dresses, ok?" Hanna argued.

"So when will it be Mr and Mrs Caleb Rivers, eh?" Aria joked, popping up behind us, holding onto Jason's arm. They had started dating not long after Em and I had returned from Paris.Aria had been there for him when he was recovering from his injuries and Jason had been Aria's rock as she came to terms with Ezra's death. He laced his fingers through hers and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Emily's just been on my case about that" Caleb smirked. "Anyway, shouldn't we be asking Jason when he's going to pop the question?".

Jason looked from Aria to me and then back to Aria.They both burst out laughing as Aria buried her head in Jason's chest, blushing bright red.

"Are you guys having fun, without us? Spencer mock gasped as her and Toby joined the group.

"I think it could be argued that you guys are having the most fun of all, Mr and Mrs Cavanaugh" Jason mocked.

"Well the night's not over yet" Toby smiled, gesturing to the courtyard outside. We all filed outside to see what was happening.

Fireworks. Hundreds of them in all arrays of colours.

"I thought it was time that we weren't so scared of fireworks anymore. I don't wanna associate fireworks with the night A stole Christmas. I wanna associate them with the happiest day of my life. So let's eat, drink and be merry" Spencer beamed, as she looked up at the fireworks.

"I'm so happy Ali" Emily whispered, cuddling me close.

So was I. Unbelievably, ridiculously, deliriously happy.I was alive and here I was celebrating with the love of my life, and my friends.

A was gone.Absolutely, completely gone.

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