Chapter 18: Returning

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Had it been hours? Days? I couldn't be sure how long I had been unconscious when I found myself awake and groggy in the middle of a dimly lit room. Where was the light even coming from? All I could make out was the outline of cabinets and paintings on walls.I could also see a pink floral blanket on the end of the bed I was sitting on.It looked so familiar.Just like the one on the end of my bed at home.I jumped off the bed and felt the walls,hoping to find a light switch. When the lights eventually flickered on,I could see everything clearer now, and everything was so familiar. Everything was mine.This was my room,or so it seemed.But it wasn't really.

I was in a dollhouse.THE DOLLHOUSE.

"Ezra! Ezra! Why am I here? EZRA!" I screamed, banging on the bedroom door.

"No need to shout,Ali darling, I'm right here". I spun around and there he was, right in front of me.I began to scream,but he clamped his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh. Ali,don't scream.I'm here to take care of you, there's nothing to worry about".He slipped his hands around my  waist and pulled me into his chest.

"Finally we're together again Ali.You can't imagine how many times I dreamed that I'd hold you close to me again,and now we're finally here" he gushed,staring into my eyes.Back when Ezra was my Ezra, that line would have made me melt.He used to be so gentle and so kind, or so I had thought. Had he been hiding this monster within him the whole time?

"Ezra, you have to let me leave,this isn't right" I argued trying to push him away, but he pulled me closer and stroked my face.

"C'mon Ali, after all these years we can finally be together.Nothing can stop us" Ezra whispered as he kissed my neck. "Let's go to bed".

I glanced at the bed and a chill went through my body. I had to get out of here. I had to make it to Emily. So I had to play along.

"Ok, let's go to bed" I answered, relaxing my shoulders and taking Ezra's hand.I pushed him down onto the bed and climbed onto his lap.

"Oh Ali, I was so scared it wouldn't be the same between us, but here we are" he smiled, brushing my hair back of my face.

"Don't worry Ezra, things won't change" I lied as I kissed his neck.I reached behind him, where on the nightstand was a lamp with a silver stand.I reached for it slowly, and when Ezra was distracted,I pulled it closer to me.Ezra tugged at the bottom of my shirt and kissed my neck.I grasped tighter onto the lamp and in a quick movement, smashed it against the back of Ezra's head.He slumped forward slightly, but he was still conscious and grabbed for my hair.I swung the lamp again and it  made contact with the side of Ezra's head. He fell back on the bed and a steady stream of blood started to ooze from the side of his head. I felt the side of his neck for a pulse, but couldn't find one.

Now that I had the chance, I was going to run for it. I picked up the lamp and rammed the silver stand against the door.It broke away some of the door, and I reached through to the other side, and pulled down the handle.As soon as the door opened I blindly ran down the dimly lit corridor, and turned a corner. I ran into someone who grabbed for my hands, and I lashed out, terrified Ezra had woken up and found me.

"Ali,Ali calm down,it's me!".It was a familiar voice.Emily's voice.I felt for her face and sighed a breath of relief.

"I think Ezra's dead Emily, we have to leave".Someone came running down the corridor and I jumped.

"Oh my god Ali, I'm so happy you're safe!" It was Aria and I pulled her in for a hug.

"I think I killed Ezra" I whispered in her ear as hugged her tightly.

"C'mon we have to go" Emily soothed leading Aria and I down the corridor.We came to a set of steps and quickly ran up them. Suddenly we were standing in the middle of a graveyard.A graveyard full of white, glistening headstones.

"I've been here before, Ezra brought me here, we have to go!" Emily said, reaching for my hand. We turned to head back down the stairs and I noticed a figure standing at the bottom.

"Did you really think I was that easy to get rid of, you lying bitch!" Ezra bellowed as he walked up the stairs, wiping blood away from the side of his face.

"I could have made it so easy for you Alison, we could of had such a good life.A nice house in a nice neighbourhood, and we could of had kids, sent them to a nice school.But you had to dump me, you started all of this, Ali. You started all of this, and I'm going to end it". He reached towards his back pocket, for a gun presumably, and there was a loud bang. I clutched my stomach and glanced down.But there was no mark, no blood.Emily gasped and my eyes shot back up.She was staring at Ezra, who had dropped to his knees, and was bleeding from his chest.

Aria stood, beside Emily, holding a gun, her hands trembling.She fired a shot again and Ezra fell forward, onto his.It was quite, eerily quite.He was definitely dead, we all just knew it. Aria dropped the gun and ran to him.I followed her and as she knelt down beside him I heard her whisper- " A few months ago, I would have given up everything to be with you. But you're just a monster hiding behind the facade of a nice guy.You never really cared about anyone, not even Ali. What's been done is done, and honestly I hope you rot in hell".

She turned him over, and his eyes were closed, his body still, and his face ghostly white.He was gone.

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