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At the outskirts of the jaipur, a old house is situated which is surrounded by numerous guards

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At the outskirts of the jaipur, a old house is situated which is surrounded by numerous guards .

At the outskirts of the jaipur, a old house is situated which is surrounded by numerous guards

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Soon they saw a cars coming there way which they all stand attentively for ASR.
One of the guard opened a door for a person who came out from a car a three piece suit covered his body perfectly, his muscles are begging to came out from the shirt .
His face didn't have any kind of emotions which is enough to scare everyone by his presence..
" Boss we kept him in basement "
One of the guard said to him which he just nodded at him and made his way towards Inside a duegoen ignoring guards greetings.
He moved towards a basement by descending the stairs behind him two guard came with him..

They reached downstairs and saw a figure who is tied with ropes and chains and verge of getting unconscious.
" Won't you welcome me khurana"
His cold voice echo in the basement which is enough to sent shiver in everyone spine.
A person who is tied with ropes open his eyes slowly and went wide by looking at the figure who is sitting Front of him like a king with glass of alcohol.
" A.bhimanyu "
He whispered which a smirk formed in his lips and said
Yeah , he is none other than ABHIMANYU Singh Rathore who is not like before .
" W.hy I am here ? Why y.ou kept me here?"
Ayush khurana who was in same batch in school.
" You don't know why are you here ? "
Abhimaanyu ask while keeping glass on the and take knife in his hand which ayush & guards look at him with shock expression.
He shook his head in denial which make abhimanyu anger risen up.
" Hmm let me tell you why are you here "
He said while getting up from the chair which everyone looks at him with fear , guards know what are going to happen with poor men.
Next second, a loud pained voice echo in the basement when abhimanyu cut his fingers in one go.
Ayush cried in pain while wriggling from the chair .
" What do you think you will try to stalk my woman and I won't know "
Abhimanyu ask while fisting his hairs making him look at him..
" I . You b.oth br.oke u.p I th.ought-"
Abhimanyu cut off when he stabbed a knife on his thigh .
" Technically yes we broke up but you or anyone don't have any right to laid your filthy eyes on my women who is also going future queen of RAJASTHAN "
Abhimanyu roared at him while pouring alcohol on his fingers and thighs making him crying in pain.
" Y.ou are insane ab.himanyu wit.h this behaviour of yours . S.he will n.ever be.came y.ours "
Ayush cried in pain while inviting his death by abhimanyu who is red in anger .
" Yes I am insane for her . She is already mine from the day one and very soon you will see her as roohi abhimanyu Singh Rathore.
Oops how silly I am na ? How can you present in my wedding because I am sending you to heaven from there you will saw my rooh with my kids "
Abhimanyu said like a madman while stabbing knife in his centre of forehead which chair fell back with ayush lifeless body.
" Take his body away and it looks like a accident and send necessary necessities to his family"
By instructing guards he left the basement to change his clothes which is full of blood.
After changing his clothes his phone rang making him glance at the phone
" Fuck "
He curse by seeing miss calls from abhiraj and abhigyaan.
he roll his eyes by listening abhiraj voice note which his eyes turned soften when her picture pop In his screen .
" Come soon jaana.. I am waiting for you"
He whispered by planting a kiss on the screen and left the duegoen.

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