Chapter 01: Elan Starwind

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In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, a small village nestles within tall wooden walls. The air was thick with the scent of pine, and the soft glow of lanterns cast dancing shadows on the cobblestone paths. Inside a modest, fire-lit cottage, a young woman labored through the night, surrounded by the comforting presence of village midwives.

"Push, just a little more," urged the lead midwife, her voice gentle yet firm. The woman, drenched in sweat, gripped the bed sheets, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

Outside the cottage, her husband paced worriedly, his hands clasped in fervent prayer. He glanced at the sky, whispering desperate pleas to the gods for the safety of his wife and unborn child. Every muffled cry from within the cottage tightened the knot in his stomach, his heart pounding in his chest.

"You're doing great, just one more push," encouraged another midwife. The woman gathered her remaining strength, a final, determined push bringing forth the baby's first cries.

But instead of a cry, the newborn let out a loud, piercing scream, startling the midwives. They jumped back in surprise before breaking into relieved laughter.

"You scared me, little one, I was expecting a cry, not a scream," said a midwife while touching her chest, where her heart was.

Inside, the mother's exhaustion melted into a radiant smile as she cradled her child. The husband, hearing the cream, rushed inside worriedly, his eyes filled with panic, expecting to see something bad, but he then realized that his wife and child were okay. Relieved, he then walked towards his wife and carefully took his newborn son into his arms.

The midwives, still smiling from their earlier surprise, offered their heartfelt congratulations to the new family.

The young mother, Elara, looked up at her husband, Daren, with a gentle smile. "Daren, what shall we name him?" she asked softly, her voice filled with tenderness.

Daren knelt beside the bed, his eyes glistening with emotion as he gazed at his newborn son. "Elan," he said after a moment of contemplation. "Elan Starwind."

Elara smiled warmly, the name resonating with her heart. "Elan Starwind," she echoed. "Welcome to the world, Elan. May you grow strong and wise like your father."

As Daren continued to look at his son, he noticed something unusual. Elan's tiny face scrunched up, his eyes darting around as if trying to make sense of his surroundings. His small hands clenched and unclenched, and a hint of panic seemed to flicker in his wide, innocent eyes.

'Why does he look so panicked?' Daren thought,

Before Daren could ponder further, the fleeting expression of panic disappeared, Elan's face relaxed, and then Elan started wailing.


"Ah! What happened?" Ethan exclaimed in shock, wondering why he suddenly found himself in this strange place. He looked around and saw the gigantic faces of women. He had no idea where he was. 'Where the hell am I?' Ethan thought. "Who are you people?" he wanted to ask, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't form the words he wanted to say.

Then Ethan realized he was a baby. He looked at his tiny hands in astonishment. "Why is this happening? How is this possible?" he wondered, baffled by the fact that he had become a baby just a minute ago. He was 39 years old.

Ethan remembered how he and his wife were overjoyed at having completed the AI they had dreamed of creating. It was supposed to be groundbreaking, but minutes after completing the AI, something unexpected happened. The AI's brain malfunctioned, and both Ethan and his wife, Riyan, were puzzled by what was happening. Ethan approached the AI's brain, and when he touched it, it suddenly exploded. And now, here he was.

Confused, Ethan struggled to comprehend what had happened, why he was in this place, and why he had reverted to being a baby. He looked around his surroundings, taking in the rustic charm of the cottage. The walls were made of sturdy timber, adorned with woven tapestries and simple decorations. A fire crackled warmly in the hearth, casting flickering shadows across the room. Wooden furniture, handcrafted and worn with age, filled the space, and the scent of herbs and freshly baked bread lingered in the air.

The women around him wore simple, primitive clothing made from rough-spun fabrics. Their dresses were long and modest, cinched at the waist with braided belts, and their feet were clad in sturdy leather sandals. The colors were earthy tones, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings of the forest. They wore their hair in practical, braided styles, some adorned with small wooden beads.

A man stood holding him, his attire similarly primitive. He wore a tunic made of coarse wool. His rugged appearance was complemented by a thick beard and ripped muscles.

The women and a man surrounding him spoke in a language he didn't understand; their voices were gentle but incomprehensible. They cooed and smiled at him, their faces kind and unfamiliar. 'Did I travel back in time?' Ethan thought, bewildered. He tried to make sense of the situation, but the foreign language and the surreal setting only added to his confusion.

Could this be reincarnation? Ethan pondered the strange concept, thinking it was odd since he always believed reincarnation meant being born in the future, not the past. He had read about reincarnation before but never took it seriously.

His thoughts quickly shifted to Riyan. His mind flashed through memories of their happiest moments, their dreams, and their shared goals. He remembered her smile, her determination, and the way they faced challenges together. He also vividly remembered their first meeting at MIT and the spark of connection that grew into love.

They graduated with master's degrees in technology and computer science, their passion for innovation drawing them even closer. They married soon after, and their love did not diminish despite the devastating news that Riyan could not conceive. Instead of letting it break them, they poured their hearts into their work to create artificial intelligence, hoping to change the world. At first, there were ups and downs, but at the end, they succeeded. It was supposed to be the best day of their lives, but obviously something bad happened.

Ethan's heart ached with worry for Riyan. 'Had she survived the explosion, or had she perished?' The thought was unbearable. Panic surged through him as he clenched and unclenched his tiny fists in agitation. The uncertainty of Riyan's fate gnawed at him.

Ethan's thoughts were interrupted when he noticed a man staring at him with confusion. The man's presence added to his anxiety, but Ethan quickly tried to compose himself, making a normal face despite the turmoil inside. The weight of uncertainty and the loss of his wife finally overwhelmed him, and he grieved deeply, tears streaming down his tiny cheeks. Unable to control his sobbing, his cries grew louder and more desperate.


Daren, visibly worried, stepped closer to his wife and gently gave Elan to her. "Here, Elara, maybe he'll calm down with you," he said, his voice tinged with concern.

Elara accepted her son with a tender smile, cradling him in her arms. She began to rock him gently, her soothing presence enveloping him. "Shh, it's okay, Elan Starwind," she whispered, her voice soft and calming.

As Elara held him, Ethan felt an unexpected connection. Despite his confusion and panic, the warmth and love radiating from her touch reached deep into his heart. It was a mother's love, pure and unconditional, wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. He could feel her emotions and her gentle assurance that everything would be alright.

The sensation was overwhelming, and slowly, Ethan's cries began to subside. The panic and fear that had gripped him eased, replaced by a profound sense of security and peace. Elara's soothing words and gentle rocking worked their magic, and Ethan felt the exhaustion from his earlier turmoil take over.

Feeling the steady beat of his mother's heart and the soft rhythm of her breathing, Ethan finally calmed down. The love and comfort she offered lulled him into a peaceful sleep, his tiny body relaxing completely in her arms. Elara continued to rock him, her eyes filled with love and relief as she watched her son finally rest. 

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