Chapter 05: To Be The Best

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And just like that, three months had passed.

During the last three month, Elan dedicated himself entirely to his training, along with his three best friends, Aiden, Jarek, and Lian. Aiden, with his sharp intellect and quick reflexes, was always eager to learn new techniques. Jarek, on the other hand, had a strong build and a determined spirit, never backing down from a challenge. Lian, agile and strategic, brought a thoughtful approach to their training. All three, like Elan, were driven by a deep desire to prove themselves.

Every morning, Elan would wake up at dawn and begin his warm-up routine. After a quick breakfast, he would take a brief break to digest his food, then he would dive straight into training until lunch. After his meal, he would take another short break before resuming his rigorous practice for the rest of the day.

Seeing Elan train as hard as ever before, his best friends and the other children were not to be outdone. They too trained diligently, each pushing themselves to their limits. The competitive spirit among them was fierce, yet it drove them to improve and grow stronger together.

In the first and second month of their training, the other children were able to keep up with Elan's intense regimen. However, by the third month, the strain began to show. Several children started to drop out, unable to match Elan's relentless pace. By the last week of the last month, only a handful, about ten out of the original forty, continued to train with Elan, demonstrating the same level of hard work, dedication, and passion.

These ten children, including Aiden, Jarek, and Lian, stood out for their steady commitment. Their perseverance in the face of such rigorous training was a testament to their determination to become skilled hunters. The remaining children, though fewer in number, formed a tight-knit group, each one inspiring the others to push beyond their limits.

Elan's dedication did not go unnoticed. His ability to maintain such a grueling training schedule, coupled with his consistent performance, set him apart. As the end of the month approached, the Elders and hunters watched closely, noting the remarkable progress made by these ten determined children. Among them, Elan shone the brightest, his eyes were always focused on the goal.

Daren's pride in his son grew with each passing day. The praise Elan received from the Eders and hunters was a constant source of encouragement. It was clear that Elan's hard work was paying off, and he was on the path to becoming one of the village's most promising young hunters.


In the last hour of the final day of their training, Gawin called the children to the center of the training ground. He had a short speech prepared and spoke with a voice full of pride. "I am incredibly proud of all of you. You are the best batch I have ever trained, and even the other trainers agree with me. You have surpassed all expectations."

Hearing this praise from Gawin and the other hunters, the children erupted in celebration. Some were fist-bumping, others were chest-bumping, and a few exchanged high-fives. The air was filled with their joyous shouts and laughter.

Gawin then called for silence, signaling that he was about to announce the recipient of the special weapon. He looked at the children, observing their reactions, and could tell that they already had an idea of who would receive the honor.

"Seems like you all know who will get the special weapon, right?" Gawin asked with a knowing smile. The children responded enthusiastically, all eyes on Elan. "Elan!" they shouted. He's been the best throughout the training because of his incredible hard work and resilience. Most of the children even looked at him as a role model.

Gawin grinned broadly. "You're absolutely right. Elan, come forward and receive your reward."

Elan stood up and walked towards Gawin, his heart pounding with excitement. As he made his way, the other children congratulated him, some shouting his name and others patting him on the back. The villagers, who had gathered around, clapped and cheered for Elan, recognizing his dedication and hard work.

Elan's mother beamed with pride, her smile wide as she watched her son approach Gawin. His younger siblings were shouting his name with enthusiasm, especially his younger brother, whose voice was particularly loud and clear.

The young girls in the village, especially those of Elan's age, cheered excitedly, with one girl, Lyra, who had a crush on Elan, shouting the loudest. In fact, many of the girls in the village had a soft spot for Elan. His hard work, dedication, and kind nature made him a favorite among them. However, it was Lyra who was the most open and bold about her feelings. She never hesitated to express her admiration for Elan, often cheering him on during training and offering him small gifts of encouragement.

Elan couldn't help but smile as he heard Lyra's voice rise above the rest. He appreciated her support, knowing it came from a genuine place.

When Elan reached Gawin, Gawin put an arm around his shoulders and said, "You really take after your father, but you're even better than he was at your age." This comment caused everyone who heard it to burst into laughter.

Then, Elan's father, Daren, approached the two with a wrapped item in his hands. "Okay, okay, that's enough, stop talking nonsense," he said, chuckling as he did. He then turned to his son, looking at him with pride in his eyes. "I am very proud of you, son."

He handed the wrapped item to Elan, who took it with a mix of curiosity and anticipation. Unwrapping it carefully, Elan revealed a beautifully crafted primitive spear. The spear was a work of art, with a smooth, polished wooden shaft that was firm and sturdy. The wood was intricately carved with patterns of vines and leaves, symbolizing strength and growth.

The spearhead was made of expertly shaped stone, meticulously sharpened to a fine point. The stone was securely bound to the shaft with leather strips, tightly wound to ensure it remained fixed and reliable. The leather binding was also decorated with small, delicate etchings, adding to the spear's aesthetic appeal.

As Elan held the spear, he could feel its perfect balance and weight. The firmness of the spear assured Elan that it would be a dependable tool in his future hunts.

Elan turned to his father and said, "Thank you." His father could see the delight in Elan's eyes and knew how much his son appreciated the spear. "You've earned it," Daren said, patting his son on the back. "I'm proud of you, Elan. You've worked hard for this."

Daren's eyes softened as he continued, "I'm excited for your first hunt, but I'm also worried. It's a dangerous world out there, and I want you to be safe. But I believe in you. I know you'll make us proud." Elan nodded, understanding the mix of emotions his father felt.

Then Elan looked at his fellow trainees and saw the admiration and trust in their eyes. He realized that this was the true reason he wanted to be number one. He didn't want to break their trust; he wanted to be someone they could always rely on.

With a surge of determination, Elan raised the spear high above his head and shouted triumphantly. His fellow trainees followed his lead, raising their knives and shouting in unison. The air was filled with their collective voices, a powerful testament to their unity and strength.

The hunters watching this display couldn't help but feel a deep sense of optimism. They exchanged glances, nodding in agreement as they saw the promise in these young warriors. The village had a bright future, thanks to the dedication and spirit of these children.

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