Chapter 10: Calm Down

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The hunters and the Elder followed the boy as he led them back to where the rest of the group was. The Elder noticed that they were heading west, in the same direction Daren's group had gone. Worry gnawed at him, and he hoped desperately that nothing terrible had happened and that they had managed to fend off the wild beast.

As they ran, they encountered eight children, frantic and out of breath, running towards them. The hunters quickly moved to intercept the children and guide them to safety. The Elder stepped forward and urgently asked, "Where are Daren, Torin, and Elan?"

The children looked down, too scared to speak. The hunters and the Elder noticed their hesitation and fear. Sensing the urgency, the Elder repeated his question, his voice firm and authoritative, "Tell me what happened. Where are Daren, Torin, and Elan?"

One of the boys, gathering his courage, spoke up. "The beast attacked Daren and Torin and sent them flying in just one swipe of its faw for about two meters. It was terrifying. Then the beast attacked again, and its target was Torin because he was closer, and it bit his head until Torin died, then the beast threw away Torin's body. After Torin got killed, Daren told us to run, so we did. We ran as fast as we could. I don't know what happened to Daren and Elan after that."

The hunters and the Elder were shocked and in disbelief as they listened to the boy recount what had happened to Daren and Torin, especially hearing about Torin's gruesome death. The description of the beast biting Torin's head and throwing his body away sent shivers down their spines. They could hardly believe the brutality of the attack.

The Elder, his face pale but determined, spoke urgently, "We need to hurry before anything worse happens to Elan and Daren."

Without a moment's hesitation, they all began running at full speed. Despite his age, the Elder ran with surprising swiftness. He had been a hunter in his younger days, and his strong bones and enduring stamina showed that he was still capable of great physical feats.

After a while, they finally arrived at the scene where Daren and the group encountered the wild beast. When they arrived, they were shocked to see Torin's body. Even though they had been told what had happened to Torin, seeing his lifeless body in person was a different experience altogether. The gruesome sight of their fallen comrade brought a wave of sorrow and horror. The hunters shook their heads in disbelief and grief, feeling the weight of the tragedy.

They quickly checked on Daren, who was lying on the ground face down. One of the hunters gently turned him over, and they were horrified to see the extent of his injuries. Deep gashes and wounds covered his body, and they couldn't tell if he was still alive. The Elder knelt beside Daren and checked for a pulse at his neck.

For a moment, the Elder felt nothing, but then he detected a faint pulse. "He's still alive, but barely. Quickly, carry him and bring him back to the village. Go straight to the healer's cottage; maybe he can still save him," the Elder said urgently.

Five hunters immediately moved to lift Daren's body and hurriedly began the trek back to the village, moving as quickly and carefully as they could.

The Elder then looked around their surroundings and asked, "Where's Elan? Why isn't he here?" The remaining hunters also scanned the area, but they couldn't see any sign of Elan.

The Elder gave a firm command, "Search the area among the trees. He might be hiding or injured. But don't go too far; we don't know where the wild beast is now." The hunters spread out to search, carefully moving through the underbrush and checking every possible hiding spot. Despite their efforts, they found no trace of Elan.

Except for one hunter, a skilled tracker from their village. He called out to his companions and pointed to some tracks on the ground near the center of the clear path.

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