Chapter 02: The Starwind Clan

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Three years passed, and Elan learned and experienced a plethora of things in the small village where he was born.

First, he remembered that awkward moment when his mother tried to breastfeed him for the first time. Initially, he absolutely hated it because it felt incredibly strange to breastfeed his mother while being fully conscious. But in the end, hunger won, and he had no choice but to drink. Elan realized that it was probably better that babies weren't fully aware when breastfeeding, otherwise, it would be unbearably awkward. Eventually, he got used to it, either that or death.

While his mother was breastfeeding him and talking to him softly, she kept repeating his name, "Elan Starwind." It was in those moments that Elan realized his new name in this life. This discovery was more than just learning his new name; it was a link between his past and present.

The name "Elan" was phonetically similar to "Ethan," bridging the gap between his former life and his current existence. It was a comforting thread of continuity in an otherwise drastically changed world.

Four months later, Elan learned just how difficult life in the small village was. The villagers often went without bathing for a week or two and had very little sense of hygiene. This lack of cleanliness was something Elan found particularly challenging, especially given his background as a scientist, where cleanliness and sterile conditions were crucial. The strong body odors and the generally unsanitary conditions made it hard for him to adjust, often making him feel uncomfortable and even ill at times.

He recalled an incident when he was only three months old. A group of elderly women tried to make him laugh. To their horror, Elan turned purple and then vomited. They immediately thought he was sick. The second time they tried to make him laugh, it happened again: Elan turned purple and vomited. They were convinced something was seriously wrong with him. By the third time, his parents were deeply worried and decided to forbid anyone from trying to make Elan laugh, fearing for his health.

Unbeknownst to them, Elan was actually holding his breath because of how bad the odor and breath of the people trying to make him laugh were. It was like the Grinch in the movie, where he tried to make that baby laugh. Elan thought to himself that if this continued, he might actually die from the stench. It was far worse than dying in an explosion.


At five months old, Elan began to walk. Seeing him walk, his parents were shocked and overjoyed, as he started walking without any help or teaching. His mother proudly shared this milestone with the entire village. The villagers, especially the elders, were astonished by Elan's early development. They started to think that he was strong and independent and decided to observe him more closely.


When Elan turned one and a half years old, he finally began to fully understand the language used by the villagers. This remarkable achievement was the result of his diligent study of the books in the hall where the elders held their weekly meetings.

Elan's parents and the village elders were incredibly proud of him, believing he was a prodigy due to his exceptional intelligence. Not only had he been the youngest to walk, but he was also the youngest to fully understand and speak their language.

One day, as Elan sat in the hall with a book spread open before him, his parents and the elders observed him with admiration and pride. They watched as he flipped through the pages, his small fingers tracing the words as he mouthed them silently. His concentration and understanding were beyond his years, and it filled their hearts with hope for his future.

Elan absorbed the information from the books, and he gradually uncovered more about his surroundings. Through his readings, he learned that this small village was not just an isolated community but part of a larger clan known as the Starwind Clan.

Curious about the extent and history of the clan, Elan approached one of the elders one day and asked, "Where is the main clan located?"

The elder's expression grew somber as he replied, "The main clan no longer exists. According to our ancestors, our clan was attacked by bandits a very long time ago. Those who survived relocated far away to prevent such a tragedy from happening again. To this day, no one knows the exact location of the main clan, if it even still exists."

Elan felt a pang of disappointment and sadness. He had hoped that learning about the main clan might lead to discovering more advanced knowledge. The elder's story, however, painted a picture of loss and survival rather than thriving continuity.

Determined to understand more, Elan asked, "Is there no record or map that tells us where the main clan was located?"

The elder shook his head. "No, child. The attack was so devastating that our people fled with only what they could carry. Over time, memories faded, and the exact location was lost. Our village has kept the traditions and basic knowledge alive, but much of the detailed history and advanced knowledge perished with the main clan."

Elan thanked the elder and walked towards the hall, where he continued to read. He quickly realized that the library in the hall was extremely limited. The available books were few and mostly consisted of basic texts about farming, hunting, local wildlife, and simple survival techniques. Elan discovered that the men in the village hunted various kinds of wild animals he had never seen or heard of before in his past life. Additionally, he learned that the hunters went out once a week to hunt.

One time, as his mother met his father returning from a hunt, Elan saw the strange creatures they had brought back. One animal looked like a mix between a horse, a deer, and a zebra, with a sleek, striped body and antlered head.

Another creature was a peculiar blend of a pig and a goat, with the stout body of a pig but the nimble legs and horns of a goat. Elan could hardly believe his eyes. He thought to himself, 'What kind of animals are these? Is there a mad scientist out there mixing the genes of different animals?' But he understood that the villagers had no choice; they had to hunt to survive. Elan thought that one day, when he grows older, he too would join the hunts.

He also learned about the roles of women in the village. They planted and harvested vegetables, cooked meals, and took care of the children. Their responsibilities were similar to those of housewives on Earth, and though it was typical work, it was essential for the community's well-being.


One evening, when Elan was three years old, he lay outside, gazing up at the moon and the stars. The night sky was a beautiful tapestry, and he found himself lost in thought about his past life. As he reflected on his former life, he realized he had finally accepted that his wife was gone and that his life had irrevocably changed.

He thought about the possibility of his wife being reincarnated, but the likelihood of them meeting again seemed impossibly slim.

With a heavy heart, Elan sighed, a single tear rolling down his right cheek as he said a silent goodbye to his old life and to his beloved wife. The acceptance of his new reality brought a bittersweet sense of closure, allowing him to fully embrace the life he now had in the village.

As he lay under the stars, lost in thought, Elan heard his mother calling him. "Elan, it's time for bed," she said gently. Her voice brought him back to the present, and he smiled. The absurdity of his circumstances was not lost on him. From cutting-edge technology and scientific breakthroughs to wooden huts and simple living, his life had taken an extraordinary turn. Yet, there was a certain charm and peace in this new existence that he had never experienced before.

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