Chapter 12: Acceptance

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"In the past, I wouldn't have believed you about any of this, but now? Too many things have happened to dismiss it. Anyway, you said that we are in a different world and universe. How would that be possible? I'm already having a bad time thinking of how I became like this, and now you tell me something that is even more impossible." Elan's voice was tinged with frustration and disbelief.

Arion's tone turned serious. "I get it. I really do. But let me tell you something. Even when we were on Earth, there were many things that couldn't be explained scientifically. Your situation might just be another one of those unexplainable phenomena. Maybe a higher power is involved in this, but hey, I'm just speculating."

"I know it sounds far-fetched, but I can guarantee you one thing: we are not on Earth anymore. The animals, the environment, everything is different. It might seem similar in some ways, but this is a different world altogether."

Elan fell silent, absorbing Arion's words. He began to ponder the possibility that he had indeed transmigrated to another world. The idea seemed absurd, yet Arion had no reason to lie. What would he gain from deception?

'If Arion is telling the truth, then transmigration might actually be real. Could a higher power really be responsible for this? There are countless things in the universe that science hasn't explained. Why should this be any different?' Elan thought.

Elan sighed and nodded, realizing there was no point in dwelling on it further. He was already here, so he might as well accept the truth rather than give himself a headache thinking too much about it. As a scientist in his previous life, he couldn't help but smile at the idea of another life form existing on a different planet and in a different universe—and even better, there were humans.

Reflecting on this, Elan thought aloud, "I used to ponder the question, 'Are we alone in the universe?' And even now, being in a different universe, I still can't answer that question for Earth. If I reincarnated or transmigrated within the same universe as Earth, maybe that question would finally be answered. The absurdity of all this is almost laughable."

Arion, hearing Elan, chuckled. "It's quite the cosmic joke, isn't it?"

Elan laughed. "Yeah, it really is. Here I am, living proof of life on another planet in another universe, and yet I still can't answer one of humanity's greatest questions for my original world."

Elan took a deep breath and said, "Alright, I believe you. It's not easy to accept, but it makes sense in a strange way."

Arion seemed puzzled by Elan's calm reaction. "You're taking this pretty well. I expected more confusion or even panic from you after hearing you're on another planet and in a different universe."

Elan chuckled softly. "If I just arrived here in this world, then I'd probably be confused and rattled beyond belief. But I've been here for 13 years now. I've had time to adjust and accept my new reality."

"I see. I guess that makes sense. You've had time to acclimate," Arion said.

"Exactly. When I first got here, it was overwhelming and confusing. But over the years, I've come to accept it and adapt. Now, learning that it's a different planet and universe is just another piece of the puzzle. I'm more curious than anything else," Elan said calmly.

"Anyway, you mentioned earlier that you have abilities. What are your abilities, and how can they help us in our current situation?" Elan inquired.

"My abilities allow me to identify everything and its usage. But before I can know about an object, I need to scan it first," Arion said proudly.

Upon hearing about Arion's abilities, Elan felt a slight twinge of disappointment. He couldn't see how this would help their current situation, especially since he couldn't see his surroundings.

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