Chapter 06: Safe Paths and Fruitful Hunts

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Another month passed.

It was time for the new hunters to go on their first hunt. The new hunters were divided into four groups of ten, each led by two seasoned hunters. Group one, which included Elan, was led by his father, Daren, and a man named Torin, a burly hunter known for his strength and tactical mind. Group two, which included Elan's best friends Aiden, Jarek, and Lian, was led by Daren's second hand Gawin and a man named Alric, a sharp-eyed tracker with unmatched skills in stealth. Group three was led by Burd and a man named Roderic, a veteran hunter with years of experience. Group four was led by a hunter named Bran, a master of traps and snares, and another hunter named Eamon, known for his speed and agility.

As the groups gathered at the center of the village and waited for the others to arrive, Elan turned to his father and asked, "Father, why don't we have any horses to help us travel faster and carry the heavy loads?"

Daren was an imposing figure, standing at 6'4" and weighing 200 pounds. Despite his size, he was remarkably silent and agile, a result of years of training and hunting. He smiled and placed a hand on Elan's shoulder. "Son, the beasts we hunt and encounter are far too wild and dangerous to be domesticated. These creatures are strong, fierce, and unpredictable. It's safer and more effective for us to travel on foot and use our skills and training to handle the challenges we face."

"Horses would only attract more danger and make it harder for us to move quietly and strategically through the forest. Our survival and success depend on our ability to adapt to the environment and outsmart the wild beasts. That's why our training is so important. We rely on our own strength, agility, and teamwork."

Now that everyone had arrived, Gawin called everyone to gather around, as Daren had something important to say.

Daren looked at the forty new hunters and saw the excitement and confidence in their eyes. He couldn't help but chuckle at their enthusiasm. "I love the confidence, but confidence alone won't help you survive in your destinations. When you're out there, where the wild beasts roam, I want you to be cautious. Trust your instincts and remember your training. Above all, trust your fellow hunters. Don't act recklessly or try to show off because that will only lead to your death. Got it?"

The young hunters nodded firmly in agreement. "Good, let's go."

The group began their march towards the edge of the village, accompanied by their worried but supportive parents. The parents whispered prayers under their breath, hoping for the safe return of their children.

When they reached the village exit, the lead hunters paused and looked at each other. Daren then addressed the group. "Safe paths and fruitful hunts," he said. This phrase, a traditional blessing among the hunters, was echoed by the other lead hunters. It was a custom that had been passed down through generations, meant to encourage and protect the hunters on their journey.

The groups then parted ways, each heading in their designated direction. Group one was headed west. Group two was headed east. Group three was headed north, and group four was headed south.


"Our destination is an area populated by wild beasts, but don't worry, these creatures aren't very dangerous. If they see humans, they usually run away."

The children nodded in understanding. One of the young hunters asked how far the destination was, and Daren responded, "It's about ten miles away, so relax for now. For the next eight miles, we're unlikely to encounter any wild beasts. If we do, it's very rare."

Elan nodded eagerly. He carried his spear with him, and the firmness of its wooden shaft and the sharpness of its stone tip reassured him. His clothes were made from tough, woven fabric suitable for the rugged terrain, and his belt had pouches for small tools, with the knife securely sheathed.

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