Chapter 07: Cunning

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Elan heaved a sigh of relief. He had not expected to kill the cowbull with one throw. Smiling, he took a deep breath to calm his adrenaline. Then Elan pulled the spear from the cowbull's head and looked at the others and asked, "How about the others? Did they succeed as well?"

His father pointed to the other group of six. The children followed his gesture and saw that the other group had also successfully taken down a cowbull. They rejoiced, and one of the kids exclaimed, "Yay, we can head home!" Another kid added, "Who would have thought it would be this easy for our first time, huh?" and slapped the back of his friend.

"We were fortunate today. It's not common for cowbulls to wander into this area, this made our hunt easier than it could have been. But don't let this success make you complacent. Hunting can be unpredictable, and not every hunt will go this smoothly. We need to stay focused, vigilant, and prepared for more challenging situations."

"Remember, this was only your first hunt. There will be times when the prey is more elusive, or the terrain is more difficult. You might encounter wild beasts that are far more aggressive or cunning. You must remain sharp and never underestimate the dangers of the hunt."

"Today, you did well. You followed your training, worked as a team, and achieved success. But don't let today's ease fool you into thinking all hunts will be like this. Always be on guard, use your skills, and trust your instincts. Each hunt is a new test, and you must be ready to face it with the same determination and caution."

He finished with a firm tone, "Good job today, everyone. But remember, this is just the beginning. Stay focused, stay prepared, and never let your guard down."

The children quieted down, listened attentively to him, and nodded, including Elan.

"Now, Caleb, bring the large cloth and rope," Daren instructed.

Caleb quickly fetched the large cloth and rope from their supplies nearby.

Working together, the group tied the cowbull securely and rolled it over onto the large cloth. This made it easier to pull the heavy beast.

Elan and the other children took hold of the cloth and rope, and with coordinated effort, they began to drag the cowbull back towards the path they had been on. The method made the task manageable, and the group worked efficiently under the guidance of Elan's father.

As they approached the path, they saw the other group also slowly approaching them. When they finally made it to the path where Elan's group was, they congratulated each other on their successful hunts.

Torin noticed the dead cowbull in the other group and was surprised to see that it was free of wounds. Usually, when they hunted, the beasts were covered in punctures from spears, swords, or knives.

Confused, Torin walked over to the cowbull that Elan's group had taken down. When he saw that the cause of death was a headshot, he let out a whistle of admiration. He asked who had killed the beast. The children all responded in unison that it was Elan, with just one throw. Shocked, Torin looked at Elan with a smile. "Great job, Elan. Keep up the great work."

Torin praised him, and the other children in Torin's group joined in with their compliments.

"Elan, you're going to be the best hunter in the village someday!"

"Yeah, we're lucky to have you on our team."

Elan felt a bit embarrassed by all the praise from his peers and Torin, but he was also proud. He realized that his teammates had a lot of faith in him, as none of them doubted his capabilities for a second. This was exactly what he had been striving for during his intense training sessions.

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