Chapter 13: Storage Ring

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"Is someone actually living here? Let's go check it out. Maybe they know where we are, and hopefully they have some food. I'm starving," Elan suggested.

As soon as Elan mentioned food, his stomach growled loudly. He remembered Arion mentioning earlier that he had been singing for two days straight. That meant Elan had been unconscious and without food for two whole days. No wonder he felt so weak and hungry.

Arion agreed, "That sounds like a good idea. Let's go."

They slowly walked towards the hut. As they got closer, Elan noticed that the hut looked quite dirty, as if it hadn't been cleaned or maintained in a long time. The walls were covered in grime, and the thatched roof appeared to be falling apart. The whole place looked neglected and on the verge of collapsing.

When they reached the door, Elan paused and asked Arion, "Can you scan inside first? We don't know what might be in there."

Without hesitation, Arion began scanning the hut. However, he quickly realized that he couldn't scan the entire structure.

"I can't scan the entire hut, but from what I can sense, there are no living creatures inside," Arion replied.

Elan felt a bit more confident after hearing Arion's assessment. "Alright, that's good to know. Let's take a look inside then."

Hearing that there were no living creatures, Elan cautiously opened the door. As soon as he did, he was met with the sight of a skeleton sitting directly in front of him, facing the door. The sight was so sudden and shocking that Elan let out a loud scream and stumbled backward, falling to the ground in his haste.

"Arion, what the hell! Why didn't you tell me there was a skeleton inside?" Elan shouted, his voice a mix of fear and frustration.

"I didn't know there was a skeleton. My scan didn't reach far enough to detect it," Arion explained.

Elan sighed deeply, trying to calm himself. "You know, Arion, in my past life and even in this one, I've always been a patient person. But ever since I met you, that patience has been tested like never before."

Arion chuckled. "I guess I have that effect on you. But come on, you can handle a skeleton. Let's check the place out."

"Fine." Elan stood up and brushed the dirt off.

"Arion, is your ability passive or active?" Elan asked.

"It can be passive or active," Arion replied.

"Great, make it passive so I don't have to keep asking you to scan each object. Just tell me directly if you find something interesting," Elan suggested.

"No problem, I'll keep it in passive mode and alert you to anything noteworthy."

Elan walked back to the door, glancing again at the skeleton in a meditation pose. "This person actually died like this. I mean, how can you die in a meditation pose? This is so weird," Elan murmured. He cautiously approached the skeleton, half-expecting it to spring to life. As he got within five meters of the skeleton, Arion suddenly shouted, "It's a storage ring!"

Startled, Elan's head snapped back, his heart pounding. "My goodness, not so loud," he scolded.

Arion chuckled. "My bad, I got excited when I detected the storage ring."

"Storage ring? What is that?" Elan asked, intrigued.

"Take the storage ring off the skeleton's finger first, and I'll explain afterward," Arion instructed.

"Fine," Elan agreed, and he continued walking toward the skeleton.

When Elan reached the skeleton, he saw the ring on its right index finger. Summoning his courage, he reached out and carefully removed the ring, speaking softly to himself, "Sorry, but you won't be needing this ring anymore."

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