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A few days later, I had to attend an official investigation regarding the incident during our game against Ireland. The meeting was supposed to bring clarity and justice to what had happened on the field. I felt a mixture of anxiety and determination as I walked into the meeting room with Emily by my side. She had heard the vile comments too, and I needed her support more than ever.

Inside, a few of my England teammates, including Leah, were already seated. Their presence was comforting, a reminder that I wasn't facing this alone. Across the room, several Ireland players had gathered, including Katie's ex, Ruesha. The tension was palpable, the air thick with unspoken words.

The officials greeted us and explained the procedure. They wanted detailed accounts from everyone present to piece together the truth. As I began to recount the events, I could feel the eyes of everyone in the room on me, weighing every word.

Emily backed up my account, her voice steady and unwavering. But then Ruesha spoke up, her tone dripping with skepticism. "How do we know Maddie isn't lying? Is that really what you heard, Maddie? It wouldn't be the first time you made something up for attention."

Her words felt like a punch to the gut. I stood up, my hands clenched into fists. "What did you just say?"

Ruesha didn't back down, her expression smug. "I'm just saying, the only other person who supposedly heard it is your girlfriend. Convenient, isn't it?"

The insinuation was too much. I could feel the anger boiling over, my vision narrowing as I stepped towards her. "You think I'd make this up? You think I'd lie about something so serious?"

Leah and a couple of other teammates quickly moved to hold me back, their voices urgent but calming. "Maddie, don't. She's not worth it," Leah said, trying to pull me away.

Emily grabbed my arm, her grip firm but gentle. "Maddie, please. Don't let her get to you."

The officials stepped in, trying to restore order. "Everyone, please, let's keep this civil. We're here to find out what happened, not to accuse each other."

I took a deep breath, struggling to control my anger. The room was silent, the tension thick. I could see the concern on my teammates' faces, the frustration on Emily's. This was supposed to be about seeking justice, not turning against each other.

Leah addressed the officials, her voice steady and clear. "Maddie is telling the truth. We all know her character, and she wouldn't lie about something like this. The abuse she faced was real, and it needs to be addressed."

The officials nodded, taking notes and trying to steer the conversation back on track. Emily squeezed my hand, her presence a constant source of strength.

After the meeting, as we walked out of the building, I felt a mixture of exhaustion and relief. The process had been draining, but I was glad to have spoken my truth, despite the challenges. Outside, Emily turned to me, her eyes filled with concern and love.

"You did great, Maddie. Don't let Ruesha's words get to you. You stood up for yourself, and that's what matters."

I nodded, grateful for her support. "Thanks, Em. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Leah joined us, her expression serious but supportive. "We're behind you, Maddie. All of us. Don't ever doubt that."

As we made our way to the car, the tension from the investigation still hung heavy in the air. Emily and Leah flanked me, their presence a comforting shield against the stress and exhaustion I felt. Just as we were about to get in, Ruesha approached us, her steps deliberate. She barged past me, her shoulder hitting mine with a force that was anything but accidental.

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