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I lay in the hospital bed, the beeping of the heart monitor a constant reminder of my fragile state. My body felt heavy, and the events of the last few days played on a loop in my mind. The room was quiet, the sterile smell of disinfectant filling my nostrils. I felt a deep sense of dread when the door creaked open and Emily and Grace walked in.

Seeing Emily brought a rush of conflicting emotions. Part of me wished she hadn't come, the guilt and shame of my actions still raw. But another part of me was glad she was here, needing her presence and support more than I wanted to admit.

"Emily, what are you doing here?" I asked, my voice weak and tired. I meant it as a genuine question, but it came out harsher than I intended.

Emily's face fell, her eyes filling with hurt. "I just wanted to see if you were okay, Maddie," she replied, her voice trembling. "But I guess I shouldn't have come."

She turned to leave, and frustration bubbled up inside me. "Why do you always have to be so dramatic?" I blurted out, unable to keep the edge out of my voice.

Emily stopped in her tracks, then slowly turned back to face me, her eyes blazing with anger. "Dramatic? You think I'm being dramatic? After everything you put me through? You slept with Leah, Maddie! You betrayed me, and now you're calling me dramatic?"

Her words were like knives, each one cutting deeper than the last. I wanted to cry, to let out all the emotions swirling inside me, but I couldn't. I hated crying in front of people, even when Emily was yelling at me, unleashing years of pent-up emotions.

"You lied to me, Maddie. You used me. And now you want to act like I'm overreacting? You have no idea how much you've hurt me," she continued, her voice rising.

I glanced at Grace, who stood silently by the door, her face a mask of concern. Emily's words kept coming, each one a painful reminder of my mistakes.

"I loved you, Maddie. I trusted you. And you destroyed that trust. So don't you dare call me dramatic," she spat, her eyes filled with tears.

Emily's tirade seemed endless, and I could see she was letting out years of suppressed emotion. Her face was flushed, her hands trembling with anger. I wanted to reach out, to say something, anything to make it better, but the words wouldn't come.

"How could you do this to us? To me? I gave you everything, and you threw it all away. You're selfish, Maddie. You only think about yourself. And now, look where we are," Emily continued, her voice cracking with emotion.

I felt tears prickling at the corners of my eyes, but I blinked them away, refusing to let them fall. I had to stay strong, even as Emily's words tore me apart.

Grace finally stepped forward, placing a hand on Emily's arm. "Emily, that's enough. Let's go."

Emily shook her head, her eyes still locked on mine. "No, Grace. She needs to hear this. She needs to know what she's done."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "Emily, I'm sorry. I know I hurt you. But yelling at me isn't going to change anything."

Emily's eyes filled with fresh tears, but she didn't say anything more. She turned and walked out of the room, Grace following close behind. I watched them go, the door closing softly behind them, and the silence that followed was deafening.

Alone again, I lay back against the pillows, my body shaking with the effort of holding back my tears. Emily's words echoed in my mind, a constant reminder of the damage I had done. I felt a deep, aching emptiness inside, knowing that I had a long road ahead to rebuild the trust I had shattered.

For now, all I could do was lie there, feeling the full weight of my mistakes and the pain they had caused.

I lay in the hospital bed, the silence in the room heavy and oppressive. The echoes of Emily's words still rang in my ears, and the weight of my mistakes pressed down on me like a suffocating blanket. I stared at the ceiling, feeling utterly alone and lost.

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