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Two hours felt like an eternity as we waited in the hospital's sterile, brightly lit waiting area. Each tick of the clock seemed to stretch time, and every passing minute was filled with silent prayers and anxious glances. Leah, Beth, and I sat close together, offering each other support as best we could in the face of such uncertainty.

Finally, the doors to the emergency room opened, and a doctor walked toward us. We all stood up, our hearts pounding.

"Are you here for Maddie McCabe?" the doctor asked, looking at us with a calm but serious expression.

"Yes," I replied, my voice trembling. "How is she?"

The doctor took a deep breath before speaking. "Maddie is breathing, but she's not awake yet. She sustained a broken arm, which we've put in a cast and a sling. She also has some damage to her head, including a severe bleed. We had to perform stitches to address the head wound, and we are monitoring her closely for any signs of further complications."

I felt a wave of relief that she was breathing, but the news about the head injury and the severity of her condition kept the fear firmly rooted in my chest. "When will she wake up?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"It's hard to say," the doctor replied gently. "Head injuries are unpredictable. It could be hours, days, or even longer. We'll keep a close eye on her and do everything we can to ensure she recovers fully."

Beth squeezed my hand, her face pale but determined. "Can we see her?"

The doctor nodded. "Yes, but please keep the visits brief. She needs as much rest as possible."

We followed the doctor through the maze of hallways until we reached Maddie's room. The sight of her lying in the hospital bed, her head bandaged and her arm in a cast, was almost too much to bear. She looked so fragile, so different from the strong, vibrant sister I knew.

I walked over to her bed and gently took her hand. "Hey, Maddie," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. "You need to wake up, okay? We're all here waiting for you."

Leah stood on the other side of the bed, her eyes red and puffy from crying. "Come on, Maddie. You're a fighter. We need you to get better."

Beth stood at the foot of the bed, her hands clasped together in front of her. "We're all here for you, Maddie. Just take your time and heal."

We stayed like that for a few moments, each of us silently willing Maddie to wake up. The room was filled with the beeping of monitors and the soft hum of medical equipment, but all I could focus on was the rise and fall of Maddie's chest.

"We'll be here for you," I continued, my voice steadying. "Every step of the way."

The doctor gently reminded us that Maddie needed rest, so we stepped back, taking seats in the room but keeping our eyes on her. The waiting would be hard, but knowing she was still with us gave me the strength to hope for the best.

As we settled in for what we knew could be a long wait, I felt a renewed determination. Maddie was strong, and with our support, she would get through this. We all would.

It felt like days had passed, though it had only been a few hours since we got the initial update on Maddie's condition. The waiting was torturous, but knowing she was stable gave us a small sense of relief. Then, the doors to the waiting area swung open, and I saw my parents rush in, their faces etched with worry and exhaustion from the long journey.

"Mum, Dad," I called out, standing up quickly to meet them.

They hurried over, and Mum pulled me into a tight hug, tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Katie," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "How is she?"

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