Kid Blink♢

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-Pirate Boy-

You were a powerful woman, daughter of the mayor. Your father was quite the man, intelligent, powerful, and he used this power for good. Unlike some people who were at the top.

You lived a successful and neat life. Great friends, dresses of all sorts, anything you could want and possibly more. Your father was wealthy so naturally you were too.

Your father had set you up on a date, because you are now the age where you should have a boyfriend. You're father said he would set you up on one just to see if you'd be interested. He said you could date anyone you find actually love.

You were sitting at a table with your date. Some kid who clearly also had a wealthy family. He was very outright and believed in man supremacy. You never wanted to date him and would report him immediately to your father after the date.

He ended up not liking you either, he got up and left in a furious mood. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose as you were frustrated. That man got on your every nerve and you hoped to never date a man like him.

You were about to pay and walk out until you heard boys yelling

"A pair a new shoes with matchin' laces!"

"A permanent box at the sheepshead races!"

"A Porcelain tub with boilin' wata'"

"A SATURDAY NIGHT WITH THE MAYORS DAUGHTER!" One boy yelled confidently, tugging on his pants playfully. Your face flared up in a light blush. This boy you never met, wanted a Saturday night with you?

One of the newsies nudged him to look over at you, who was watching the whole performance. You had to say you were quite impressed by the boys positivty for being such.. unfortunate lives. How you envy them. You wished you had friends like that. Not just ones that use you for money. Friends that acted like family.

You didn't notice the boys gaze on you. The same boy who yelled he wanted a Saturday night with you. You couldn't help but think he was quite cute. That eye patch made you curious.. You wanted to know what was up with his eye that inclined him to wear an eyepatch. You wanted to know about this.. pirate kid..

After their little performance, you smiled and clapped, staying your seat. All the boys looked over and noticed you, all of their eyes practically bulging out of their skulls and their mouthes agape. To them, you were one of the prettiest girls they have ever laid eyes on. One immediately came over to you with confidence.

"Hey missus." He winked at you. It was a boy that was a little shorter than you and had a cigar between his lips. You grinned and rolled your eyes at the boy who was seemingly trying to flirt with you.

"You look a bit.. young for me." You smiled, looking him up and down. The boys confident grin dropped dramatically into a frown, you immediately felt bad. "Im sorry, im sure you're a sweet boy, just.. too young for me." You smiled apologetically, a boy came up behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You just got's rejected, Racer. Let 'er be handled by a. Real man." The boy pushed the other to the side.

"Hey sweetheart." He smiled flirtatiously, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes at his attempts to flatter you, you shook your head. One last newsie came up to you, it was pirate boy.

"Hey ma'am. Mind if I'se get ya name?" He grinned, placing a hand on your table and leaning close to you. "Hm. You might know me." You smirked. Clearly they don't recognize you. The boys all looked confused, you sighed. "My name is Y/N Van Wyck." The pirate boy's face dropped. Clearly remembering what he had said about having a Saturday night with the mayor's daughter.

"Did's ya hear-" The boy began but you cut him off. "I was here since the beginning, pirate boy." You grinned evilly, the boy seemed a bit nervous and immediately started to stutter and regain his composure. "I- I didn't meana- I thought-"

"Don't worry about it." You smiled kindly, feeling slightly bad for making this poor boy so embarrassed in front of all of his friends. "But now you know my name, I believe it's only fair you give me yours." You hummed, awaiting a response.

"Uhm. Kid Blink. All's my friends call me Blink." He started, clearly a little less embarrassed now, you gestured for him to sit across from you in the booth you were sitting in.

He hesitantly took a seat and avoided eye contact. "Oh please, I wont bite. Not yet." You smirked, making him all flustered. "I thought you'd know how to flirt with a woman. Especially after saying such.. bold things so loudly and proudly." You continued making him blush even more, you were torturing the poor boy, but it was worth seeing him blush.

"You.. want me to flirt?" "Hit me with ya best shot." You grinned, sitting up more straight and awaiting him to say something.

"How bout I'se show ya instead?" He winked, "Ya' knows, I'se wasn't jokin' 'bout the Saturday night." It was his turn to make you blush and he exceeded expectations. You covered your mouth with your hand, giggling slightly.

"Wow. You really did hit me with ya best shot." You giggled, "I'd be honored to have a Saturday night with you, young man." You grinned, this made him perk up. "Really?!" He exclaimed, slamming his hands on the table.

"As long as it's not just a one night thing." You confirmed, he smiled "Sooo... ya gonna be my goil?" You nodded, then looked at the date that was on the board on the cafe menu. "Perfect timing actually. Its a Saturday." You smirked, standing up and grabbing his hand and leading him out of the restaurant. All the other newsies were in awe of who Kid Blink just managed to pull.


1017 words

A/N : Im not writing that last part unless yall rlly want me to.

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