Albert DaSilva♞

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-Sunset Hair-

Sunsets. How you loved them, their beauty had no comparison to anything else in your life. You could sit and watch them for hours upon hours if thats how they worked.

After a long day of selling papers, you would always go to the Brooklyn Bridge to watch these sunsets. They calmed you. When your mother was around, she told you they held the beauty of the people in your life who had passed. And the stars were their souls.

You always wondered if she was up there, her beauty and her soul. You always loved searching the stars to see if you could possibly identify your mother. She'd always been there for you and the sweetest person you've ever met. You missed her. Sunsets made you miss her even more.

You and her had lived a great, loving life together. Your father was never really present in your life. So from the start it's been you and her. Until that fatal day. That damn day. Each time that day came around each year you would sob. The day she had been shot. You didn't find out until hours later.

None of the boys knew your story. You never talked about it. You made sure you were FAR AWAY, so they wouldn't notice anything. They didn't need to know anyway.

You were lost in thought, watching the glorious sunset, slowly falling. The colors containing mostly orange with some hues of red and yellow. Maybe some pink occasionally. When you heard a voice calling your nickname.

"Ey! Dolly! There ya are!" You turned to see who the owner of the voice was. The one and only. The boy you adored so much. Albert DaSilva. How you loved him. He cared so much for you, he truly was a great friend. Oh how you dream you two could be so much more.

The boy ran up to you and looked off of the bridge and his mouth gaped.

"Man, this 's a beautiful sunset." He mumbled, still in awe, then snapped out of it and looked over at you again, "Jack was wonderin' where ya were." He explained why he was looking for you. Jack was like an overprotective brother. Always needing to know where you are.

You chuckled, shaking your head, "I'se guess it's late. We'se can get's goin'" You spoke, looking back at the sunset. The sun mostly disappeared by now and it should be time to go anyway. You pushed yourself off of the bars, you wanted to stay but Jack was looking for you. Theres always a tomorrow.

You started to follow Albert, jogging to catch up to him and his long strides. The silence was comfortable.

You were going down a slightly sketchy alleyway. Boys lined them, talking, chattering and catcalling you. Albert could see you were uncomfortable so he slung one of his arms around your shoulders to make it look like you guys were dating. This seemed to ease some of the catcalling but some still continued. One still approached you.

"Hey perty lady. Mind if ya give's me a night?" He wiggled his eyebrows, before you could speak, Albert spoke up. "She ain't interested, buddy. Move's it."

"Come on, ditch him, sweetheart." The boy winked, following you, Albert held you closer and ignored him, continuing to walk, the pace picking up. Albert got you out of there as soon as possible.

The boy quit following. You sighed in relief. You two got to the lodging house. The sun had fully set, Jack looked worried sick as the boys tried to calm him.

As soon as he saw you walk through that door he rushed up to you and checked for any bruises, scratches, etc. "Where were you'se?!" He exclaimed, Albert removed his arm from your shoulders.

"Watchin' the sunset. Albert found me and brought's me back." Jack nodded in understanding, "Tells me next time before you'se leave like that though. Now go's get rest. Pape's aint gonna sells themselves tamarra'" Jack patted your back and nudged you along to your bunk. Albert had left for his bunk earlier.


Same thing happened every other day after that. Just without less worrying and concern from Jack. But Albert did find you daily to watch the sunset with you. It was sweet. You wanted to open up.. but you weren't sure. It was a very sensitive topic.

The day came. The day you dreaded most. It's been three years since your mother's tragic death. Per usual, you went to the Brooklyn bridge to watch the sunset. It only reminded you of her. Every single time. But this time it hit different. Your eyes welled with tears. Remembering how the message had travelled to your house quickly. When you had to move out. When your life changed. When you met the newsies.

...Maybe that whole day wasn't so bad.. you did get to meet some of the greatest people in your life now. Especially Albert. Oh Albert. How you could rant about him for hours and not run out of things to say about him. His eyes, his sunset hair, his sweet words, his calming voice, the way he put his arm around your shoulder. Oh Albert. How you wanted him to return your feelings.

This man. Distracting you from your thoughts of your mother. If he knew what effect he had on you though. He reminded you so much of your mom. The hair, the loving gaze, the soothing voice. Almost as if he was her in a costume of a newsboy.

You were lightly crying while smiling slightly, leaning against the bridge rails, crossing your legs slightly. You were so grateful for the people you had now. But you couldn't help but wonder what life would be like if your mother didn't die. If she stayed around a little longer.

You felt a strong hand on your shoulder and you turned quickly to see Albert, he was grinning, "Mind if I'se watch with ya?" He asked softly, you just nodded as he took a place next to you in the same position as you.

You couldn't keep your eyes off of him. He looked back at you and caught your gaze. "Have you'se been cryin'?" He asked, furrowing his brows in concern, you just nodded and wiped your eyes with the palms of your hands. He took your hand in his, squeezing it. "Wanna talk 'bout it?" You nodded.

You explained everything. He hugged you. It was so comforting and sweet. He truly cared about you. "I love you.." You muttered almost unconsciously, you could feel his smile, "I love you too, Dolly." He hummed, pulling from the hug slightly and kissing your forehead.

Sunsets. How you loved them, their beauty had no comparison to anything else in your life. Except for one boy.


1138 words

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