The Target

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Title - The Target
Ship - Seungmin X Hyunjin
Top - Hyunjin
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Non Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Mentions of alcohol, Kinda spicy at some point, Spies
Summary - Hwang Hyunjin bumps into Kim Seungmin at the club, making things easier for Seungmin to reach his target.
Word count - 1929


Flashing coloured lights, the pungent smell of expensive cigarettes, waiters and waitresses delivering even more expensive drinks to the different tables who ordered, and dancers entertaining the multiple men and women ogling and throwing money at them.

“Ahh, the sweet feeling of club life. Wish I was here to have fun and not on a mission.” Lee Minho, alias Lino. A spy for the South Korean All Peace Reinforcement Agency, also just called ‘Skapra’.

“Meh, it's not really my kinda space.” His partner for the mission, Kim Seungmin, known as Sky by most who know him. Also a spy for Skapra.

The pair were currently standing at a corner in the high rated club in the heart of Gangnam in Seoul, South Korea. The club is frequented by the rich and powerful, people who wish to let loose and spend money they have on over charged alcohol and whores.

“Ughh you're so boring Sky, I swear. You need to let loose some times.” Lino says as he rolls his eyes at his partner.

“We're here for a reason, and that's to get our hands on the tablet of a one Hwang. Although I can't seem to find him anywhere.”

“Yeah yeah, I know. But why don't we spilt up and contact the other when we see him? Our intel is almost always correct and we were told he would be coming here tonight.” and with a small nod from Sky, they spilt up to search for their target.

Hwang Hyunjin, leader of Hwang’Co. A group involved in all kinds of  illegal dealings masked with the front of many legal and registered businesses, even if they generate way more income than they would be able to even if their business fronts operated in every country 24/7.

According to the Intel at Skapra, he would be joining a few of his friends for a drink tonight, here at club Chebol. But so far, they have been unable to locate him, searching the entirety of the club and still being at it.

“Where the hell could he be?” Sky mutters to himself before he suddenly bumps into someone.

“Oh, sorry pretty, wasn't watching where I was going.” The person who he bumped into said, taking out a handkerchief and passing it to him as said person had spilt his drink on him.

“Shit, it's okay.” Seungmin says before he looks up and his eyes almost left their sockets, it's him. The man he and Lee Know had spent hours waiting and looking for.

“You sure pretty? Your shirt's all soaked up.” Hwang speaks again, referring to Sky’s now stained silk shirt.

“Aww and it was one of my favorites. I think you'll have to pay for the damages done, don't ya think?” Sky says, taking their target's seeming interest in him to get closer to the target. From the corner of his eye, he can see Lino looking at them, his face serious yet his eyes holding a glint of mischief but then again, when has it never?

“Hmm why don't you come with me? I'll have one of my guys bring you a new shirt.” Hwang smirks at him, and with a curl of a single finger, one of the three guys that were close to him leaves. Probably to get the shirt as he gives him a once over before disappearing into the sea of people in the club.

“Sure, why not. I'm Sky by the way, what's your name handsome?” Seungmin says, extending his right hand as Hwang takes it, kissing the back of his hand.

“The name's Sam, but you can call me whatever you like pretty.” He says as he begins leading them towards a more secluded area, a VIP section on the higher level of the club.

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