His Flower Filled Heart

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Title - His Flower Filled Heart
Ship - Seungmin X Jisung
Top - Jisung
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Non Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Married Seungmin and Jisung, blood
Summary - When Seungmin starts puking bloodied flowers, he is forced to start doubting the person he loves, his husband.
Word count - 2218


“Bye love, I'll see you later in the evening.” Seungmin said as he was putting on his shoes, by the door and ready to leave for work.

“Mmh, see you. Although I might not come back early today, the boys decided this would be a great day to stay late and brainstorm for the new project. The client is very important and so we need to have all hands on deck.” His husband, Jisung said. Morning coffee in hand and dressed in his work attire.

“Oh alright then, but make sure you take good care of yourself okay? I'll put your dinner for you in the fridge so you can eat when you get back in case I fall asleep.” Seungmin replied back, walking towards Jisung to peck him on the lips.

“Alright, thank you love. Now go before you get late.” Jisung playfully and lightly pushed him towards the door, a fond smile adorning his features.

“Okay okay, I'm going. See you.” And with a shut of the door, Seungmin was gone and off to work.

The pair have been married for three years now, although they have been dating for four. They had met in college through a mutual friend, Minho. Since the first day, it was as if sparks formed between them and when they finally got together, flowers bloomed in their lives. They were happy, are happy.

Seungmin works at a law firm, one of the best in the city while Jisung works at a company handling many business ventures. He was also the director of his department So Seungmin understood when his husband had to be back late more often than not.

So when Seungmin laid down in the bed he shares with his husband, alone, he cannot help but miss those days when he would be cuddled to sleep. The now distant days when he and Jisung would spend hours in each other's company, talking about everything, doing anything.

He misses it, he misses him.

His train of thoughts were disturbed though by a gag, was he about to vomit? Immediately he rushes up to the bathroom, kneeling Infront of the toilet seat just in time for his dinner to be emptied from his body.

He looks down into toilet bowl and is socked to see it was not the contents of his dinner in there, but rather blood and flowers?

He proceeds to flush the toilet and move to the sink to brush his mouth.

Laying back in bed, he could not help but think of what all that was about. Was it normal to puke flowers? He was smart enough to know that it was not normal nor healthy to puke blood though. He would search up the symptoms, but he feels the best option would be to see a doctor.

It was four days later when Seungmin finally had the chance to see a doctor, work had been rigorous.

It was a Saturday and he had lunch planned out with Jisung, so after breakfast he rushed to the hospital.

The doctor ran a curse of tests, in relation to the discharge of blood from his mouth.

“Well Seungmin, all the tests we ran have come out negative. I would suggest you get some rest as this could have been caused as a result of stress. And seeing as you said it has happened only once, I believe the best thing for you to do is take care of your body and enduce minimal stress.” The doctor told him.

“Alright doctor, I'll be sure to do that. Thank you very much.” Seungmin smiled politely at the doctor, getting up from the seat and ready to leave.

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