Caught in the Act

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Title - Caught in the Act
Ship - Nil
Top - Nil
Bottom - Nil
Au - Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Slight innuendo to spicy things
Summary - Jeongin was peacefully having a live, until he was disturbed by weird sounds that caught his and Stay's attention. So he investigates.
Word count - 1099

“Hello Stays! Hope you're all doing well today.” The cheerful maknae of Straykids says as he waves at the camera.

He was currently doing a live as he spent time and spoke to Stays.

“The others are all up to one thing or the other, and I was bored so I came to the decision!.. To spend time with lovely Stay~” The boy spoke to the camera, the comments flooding in and hearts spiking.

“Now let's answer some questions.” The boy said before placing the phone on a steady table where he sat on the chair there and began reading the questions he was asked in the comments.

All was going well and smoothly until the live was disrupted by strange sounds that sounded almost like… a person yelling?

At first the boy wanted to ignore the sound, but it persisted and people in the comments started asking about it, more and more. Some even made jokes and asked who was dying.

At this, Jeongin got up to go investigate the source of the sounds, leaving the phone where it was placed on the table.

The young boy moved quickly yet quietly towards the room area of the dorms. His mind spiraling with possibilities of what his hyungs could be up to that generate such noises. It sounded like the person was being tortured by a medieval torture device!

The boy was scared as what he would witness might not only scar him for life, but also greatly affect the group's idol image.

He ended his train of thoughts as he stopped In front of Changbin's room, where the screams seemed to come from.

He raised his right fist to knock on the door but then decided against it, choosing to instead slightly open the door, just enough to steal a peak, without the knowledge of the people inside. The people being Changbin himself and Seungmin.

Jeongin quietly gasps then stifles a giggle with his palm before backing away from the door and sprinting to where he left his phone.

Upon arrival, he sees his Chan Hyung plopped on the chair he was previously sitting on, with his head resting on the table.

“Hey Chan Hyung.” He shoots the older a bright smile, receiving a similar one in return.

“Hey, whatcha up to?” The leader of the group asks as he raises his head from the table. His eyes seemed tired, which was understandable considering he just returned from his studio.

“Oh I'm doing a live!” Upon the reply, Chan’s eyes frantically shoot around the room in search of the camera or phone used for the live, almost jumping off the chair as he takes notice of the phone opposite where he sat.

“Why did you leave here, phone unsupervised?” The older squeaked out, embarrassed that he did not know of the live and and the fact he took off his hoodie when he sat down, revealing his barely covered muscles under his tank top.

“Sorry.” The younger giggles before grabbing the phone and leaving the room.

“So I went to investigate the weird sounds we were hearing and found the source. Let me show it to you all.” The boy said, looking at the camera which only showed his face.

“Here.” He whispers as he once again peeks into the door, the pair were still at it.

He turned his phone, pointing the camera at the small opening. His stifled giggles could be heard as he took in the sight of Seungmin groaning in complaint as he was in a plank position beside Changbin, who was also doing a plank.

“Why did I agree to doing a plank challenge with you again?” Seungmin whines out as he feels his stomach throb in pain, collapsing on the ground the second the beeping of the timer went off.

“C’monnnnn, it's not that bad. Don't you feel your body becoming stronger? More energized?” The older said as he stands up with much ardor, completely opposite of Seungmin’s actions.

“I only feel my body becoming weaker. This is worse than hours of non-stop dance practice.” Seungmin says as he bends his back after standing up, resting his hands on his knees. He slightly looked up when Changbin started to speak about the multiple benefits of doing planks, he instead noticed the phone by the door, shaking occasionally as though it was being held by an unstable hand.

“What's that?” The boy says as he jut his chin towards the door when Changbin shot him a confused look.

When the older took notice of the phone, he strutted to the door, dragging it open as he looked down.

“Jeongin? What are you doing?” The buff man asked as he met eyes with the younger boy who was looking up like a deer caught in headlights, unmoving.

Said boy was about to make a run for it before he was caught between arms which caged around him and dragged him back, resulting in the boy accidentally hurling his phone to the ground. The phone shutting off and cracking from the impact.

“My phone!” The owner wails.

“What were you doing you creepo? Were you spying on us?” Seungmin says, folding his arms as he stared down at the boy in Changbin's arms.

“What? Why would you make such an assumption?” The maknae says as he looks at his Hyung with the most innocent looking eyes he could muster up.

“Cut the puppy eyes, they aren't gonna work on me.” Seungmin boredly says, squinting his eyes at the younger.

“Okay fine. I was doing a live when I heard your whining all the way from the sitting room and got curious. Stays too.” The boy says as though it were a casual conversation.

“You do realize you just broadcasted our private workout time to the whole world right?” Seungmin asks incredulously.

“Oh please, you're only saying that because all you were doing was complaining. Excuse me for showing how badly you sucked at doing planks.” Jeongin nonchalantly says, beginning to get comfortable in Changbin's arms.

“Well what's done is done. Let's get back to the challenge Seungmin?” Changbin asks, letting go of Jeongin as the boy almost falls to the ground.

“Yeah no, I'm out.” Was all the boy said before he picked up his properties and left the room.

“Well, I'm gonna go phone shopping online then, later.” Jeongin says as he moves to carry his broken phone and then leaves.

“Well I'm gonna complete the challenge.” Changbin says to himself as he moved to where he and Seungmin were previously doing their exercises.

My sister and I once did a plank challenge, never again. I could feel it in my abdomen for days!

Seungmin X Straykids One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now