The Innocence is Gone

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Title - The Innocence is Gone
Ship - Seungmin X Chan
Top - Chan
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Idols au
Warnings/Tags - Innocent Seungmin, Corruption.
Summary - Innocent Seungmin gets driven by the other members' teasing and asks Chan questions relating to sex. Little does he know Chan has been waiting for him to ask.
Word count - 1682


Chan has kind of noticed the younger's attitude towards the topic of sex. Although he was not really able to pinpoint what exactly it was, he just assumed it was awkwardness Seungmin felt when the others somehow ended up discussing the topic.

Living with seven other men for a good amount of Seungmin’s life, since he was a teenager, he doesn't really know much about human interaction aside from them or the people his line of work makes him interact with on a daily. His knowledge about said ‘topic’ is admittedly limited, never truly being close to his parents as they were always traveling for one business trip or the other, they did not give their child the proper knowledge he needed.

Apart from what he knows from school, even if he has not a single clue how it happens physically, you can say he is an illiterate when it comes to sex.

A major virgin if you would.

Now though, Chan can for a fact pinpoint what is was Seungmin felt when the others were discussing about sex like the hormonal grown men they were.

Chan, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, and Seungmin were all gathered at the living room, previously watching a movie until a sex scene appeared. They all noticed Seungmin's reaction as the boy proceeded to cover his eyes with both his arms and bury himself deeper into the couch he was sat on. Ofcourse being the nosy people they were, the members started asking questions, with Seungmin having no choice but to reply. Which gets us here;

“Wait, so not only are you a virgin, but you don't even know how sex works?!” Jisung albeit shouts, truly surprised at his friends words.

“Don't just say it like that… I just haven't really been interested in the topic to learn more is all.” A now heavily flustered Seungmin replies.

“But, don't you feel some sort of need? Like you have to at least feel horny some time. Right?” Fires Felix, also surprised at the discovery of their friend's innocence.

“Well yeah? But I normally just ignore it or take a cold shower and I get back to normal.” Seungmin says, trying to make the situation seem less than what the others make it out to be.

“Wahhh Seungminnie, so you've never even… y'know,” Hyunjin makes a jerking motion with his hand at his crotch to imply what he was referring to.

“Huh? I don't know what you mean Hyun.” The youngest of the boys speaks up.

“Umm what he's trying to say is that you've never masturbated before?” Chan speaks up, finally joining the conversation when non of the others spoke up, seemingly too bewildered to explain what Hyunjin meant.

“Masturbated? What's that?” Is the reply they get for all hell to break loose.

“Wait wait wait wait wait! Minnie, you don't know what masturbation is??”

“How do you not know what that is?!”

“Wow, I-I don't even know what to say.”

“Alright alright guys, Seungmin clearly is uncomfortable with all this. He might not know much but that doesn't mean he has to know. When the need arises he will. Now though, let's all go to our rooms, it's already pretty late and we have schedules tomorrow.” Leader Chan steps up to help maintain Seungmin’s leftover dignity from the other boys’ bombardment of questions.

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