The Neighbor

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Title - The Neighbor.
Ship - Seungmin X Jisung.
Top - Jisung.
Bottom - Seungmin.
Au - Non Idol Au.
Warnings/Tags - Slight sexual scenes, non-consensual voyeurism.
Summary - Seungmin was peacefully living his life as a highschool senior, unaware of the pair of eyes almost always on him.
Word count - 1173

“Dinner was delicious mom! I'm gonna finish up my assignments then head to bed.” Seungmin says as he puts away his washed dish before heading up the stairs to his bedroom.

He is an only child to his divorced parents, currently living with his mom.

His parents separated on good terms so he gets his fair share of his father, although the man tends to travel a lot for business making their contact limited.

The boy was in his final year of highschool, being occupied with continuous studying and academic work.

Within two hours, he had completed the work, keeping everything where it belonged before moving to change into his sleepwear.

He proceeded to strip naked, only leaving his underwear on before moving to the closet to get his pajamas. He felt comfortable in his body and was certain his mother would not barge into his room, not without confirmation from him.

After changing into them he laid on his bed, turning off the lights as he drifted off to sleep, forgetting to close his window and the curtains. Which were situated right across his bed.

Currently, Seungmin was in class, trying hard to not fall asleep as he lost track of time the previous night, occupied with a project for biology class.

The math teacher had just written out a series of questions on the board, stating that he would be calling out students to come solve them at random.

Seungmin groaned lowly, praying that he wouldn't be called on. He could answer the questions really, but just did not want to.

“Jisung, why don’t you come solve question three for us?”. The teacher called out to a student sat at the far corner in the front, close to the door.

The boy was wearing a hoodie over his uniform, although his blonde hair was peaking out.

The boy hesitated before moving to take the marker from the teacher, swiftly writing out the solution and returning to his seat.

The boy seemed to glance at Seungmin before he sat down, but that could have just been Seungmin imagining things.

Although the boy seemed awfully familiar. Seungmin tried brushing it off as them being in the same class, but he could swear he has memories of seeing him somewhere outside of school, not just once.

Seungmin was now back at home, tired out of his mind.

He entered his room, dropping his school bag by the door before he began to undress from his uniform.

It was a Friday which meant he could take repose for the rest of they day, he opted to take a long bath first.

After getting completely undressed, he entered the attached bathroom in his room. Treating himself to a good forty minutes of warm water and strawberry scented skin care products.

After he stepped out, he was about to put on clothes before a thought had crossed his mind.

He was home alone. His mom was not back from work yet and she would not be back for at least two more hours.

The idea of treating himself to some ‘alone time’ sounded quite tempting. After weighing the pros and cons, he decided to treat himself to a good masturbation session.

He removed the towel from around his waist and moved to sit at the edge of his bed.

Wrapping his fingers around himself, he began to pump in slow, sensual motions as he worked himself to hardness.

He teased his body and eventually laid back, hand still around himself as he let out sinful, loud moans and groans.

The boy continued with his actions, letting himself be consumed by the pleasure.

He was so consumed infact that he failed to notice the shadowy figure staring at him from across the short yard.

There, a blonde headed figure stood, glasses resting on the tips of his nose as he stared intensely at the nude boy resting on his bed.

The blonde could barely suppress his amatory noises as he continued to rub at himself, hand pushed into his sweats.

He bit his lip as he could hear the sounds from the opposite window getting louder, with his own movements getting faster as he focused on the view of the naked boy alone, tuning out the world apart from him.

As the noises came to a stop and the brunette in the opposing house laid panting atop his bed, he could also feel liquid between his fingers, creating a wet patch in his pants.

He continued to stare, taking deep breaths, eyes trained on that same boy. He only backed away slightly, moving to shield himself with the curtain of his own room as the boy, Seungmin, stood up from his bed, heading towards the bathroom, probably to clean up.

Jisung was not proud of his actions, but that's not to say he was ashamed of them.

He took great pleasure in spying on his neighbor, his beautiful, beautiful neighbor. He might even call himself a voyeur.

He had first noticed Seungmin in his classes at school. He was so captivated by the boy he would find himself staring at him multiple times in a single class period. But being socially awkward as well as new to the neighborhood, Jisung did not even attempt to get close to the boy.

He then found out they were neighbors on his way home from a convenience store run, seeing the boy carrying grocery bags into the house alongside a woman he assumed was his mother. The resemblance was quite canny.

From then, Jisung could not help himself but glance at the house whenever he got the chance. He would look into open windows, hoping to see even just the silhouette of the boy he enamored.

It was only about two weeks ago when the boy would begin to leave the curtain to his bedroom window open, as a result of the hotter weather, that Jisung's perverted propensity heightened.

Jisung would watch him do homework, watch him exercise, watch him play video games, watch him when he had friends over, even watch him when he slept. Jisung would devote his time to watching the boy do anything, everything. And now Jisung could say that he even watched the boy do sexual acts.

Jisung was intensely preoccupied by him, by Seungmin.

It was only when Seungmin came back into the room did Jisung snap out of his thoughts. He continues to stare as the boy dressed in comfortable looking clothes, as the boy laid on his bed, and as the boy drifted off to sleep.

Jisung stood there watching, imagining and wishing he was there with the boy. Spooning him as the boy cuddles back into him.

Jisung left the window, going to clean himself up as well. Though he could not resist himself off another session,  picturing his neighbor’s hand around him, touching him, making him feel pleased.

One day, the boy would become his. Whether he liked it or not. And Jisung will be living for that day.

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