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Title - Water.
Ship - Seungmin X Jisung X Felix
Top - Jisung & Felix
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Mention of something sexual.
Summary - Seungmin finds out the true meaning of a certain song and ends up on the floor with his band mates.
Word count - 264

“Can you blow my mind? Tear it off my whole body~” Seungmin effortlessly sang along to the song playing from the speakers, a deodorant container in hand serving as a mic.

“Wow Min, nice vocals.” Felix complimented from where he was sat on the couch after the younger boy had finished the song.

The both, including Jisung, were currently at the sitting of room of their dorm, doing karaoke to the songs that played from the telly.

“Do you even know what the song is about though?” Felix asked, laughing slightly at the face Seungmin made in reaction to his words.

“Water…?” The younger boy quietly mutters.

“You're so cute, but no.” Felix laughs out, head falling back onto the head rest of the couch.

“Then what is it about?” Seungmin questions, pausing the next song that was playing and turning to the pair.

“A person's orgasm.” Jisung said blankly.

Seungmin let out a silent gasp as his mind flashed to the explanation his Leader Hyung once gave him about what an orgasm was… as well as a practical demonstration.

“I didn't know that!” The boy squeaks out, lightly hitting Jisung on the arm.

“Aww are you shyyy.” The older teases, huge smile adoring his features.

“And I was singing it so loudly too!” Seungmin says as he lays on the carpeted floor, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

“Heh it's okayyy.” Felix says, moving to lay atop the boy, Jisung following to do the same after.

The trio just stayed there, talking each other's ears off until they eventually fell asleep.

I don't know how, nor do I know why, but this is in existence.

And yes, this is infact set in the same universe as ‘the innocence is gone’.

I find it so hard to finish writing a chapter after I start and even after I finish it's so exhausting having to go edit it. So I apologize for not updating much.

Moreso, I have actually started working on other books. I already have the plot layout for two books completed, just left to write… hehe look forward to that.

Seungmin X Straykids One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now