Arranged (Part I)

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Title - Arranged
Ship - Seungmin X Hyunjin
Top - Hyunjin
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Non idol au
Warnings/Tags - Female Kim Seungmin, Arranged marriage, Enemies to lovers.
Summary - Hwang Hyunjin finds out in order to take over the family company, he first needs to get married. Lucky for him, his parents have already found the perfect woman for him.
Word count - 921


Hwang Corp is a well known name in South Korea, with it's branched business ranging from electronics to clothing. They have it all. For years it has been ran by the Hwang family, the first generation owners, second generation owners, and now moving to the third generation owner; Hwang Hyunjin.

Hwang Hyunjin is a successful twenty eight year old entrepreneur. Graduating from the best of schools, he has put out many efficacious ideas and projects that were wholefully accepted by the general public, leading to great appraise to him as well as his family. Being the first and only child to his parents, it has been set in stone that he would one day take over Hwang corp and continue to lead it along it's glory.

Apart from being in front pages of magazines which article his business ventures, he is also known for being in the heart of many young women and men alike. With his dazzling model features and perfect body structure, he is the dream guy for even those who are yet to hear of him.

And now here he is, sitting at the dinning table of the family house he grew up in before moving out to his own luxury penthouse, slicing the perfectly rear steak before elegantly putting it in his mouth and chewing.

“So Hyunjin, as you know, you are set to take over the company soon. I do hope you are prepared.” Hwang Minjun, current CEO of Hwang Corp, husband to Hwang Haejin and father to Hyunjin speaks up.

“I am surprised you even have to ask father, have my actions not spoken for me?” Not even battling an eyelash, Hyunjin speaks back, barely sparing his father a glance.

“You are right, my mistake for even doubting for a single second.” Chuckling, the older Hwang spoke.

“There is however a pending issue.” Wiping her mouth, the mother Hwang says.

“What might that be?” The now confused Hyunjin asks, glancing at both his parents.

“Oh right, I almost even forgot!” The CEO says enthusiastically, dropping this utensils before speaking, “In order to take over the company, you need to be married. And before you say anything, no; you cannot go against us. This is a tradition as well as an obligation that you must see to.”

“Pardon? How come this has never been told to me? I have for the longest been preparing for this moment and now that it is here you bring up this bollocks?” Now angered, Hyunjin almost yells out at his parents.

“Mind your tongue young man, we are your parents and you will do as we say!” His mother shouts, harshly dropping her napkin on the table.

“As I had said, you have no choice but to comply. This is the one thing left for you to do in order to take over Hwang Corp.” His father says ever so calmly.

“Moreso, we need to ensure that we will be gifted with an heir. With your work obsessed self, I am afraid we cannot risk the chances of not getting a grandchild and letting the company lose its nature, the Hwang in it.” Haejin reasons with him, looking at him with such a deplorable look he almost feels bad. Almost.

“Mother, father, I am afraid what you are asking me now is something I cannot comply with. I am not even seeing anyone!” The youngest Hwang says, making an attempt to convince his parents.

“Oh we know that, which is why we have set you up with someone. A child of one of our business partners and close friends.” His father says oh too enthusiastically.

“I- what?!” Hyunjin sputters out, not believing his parents words.

“Why yes, the Kims are a family we would love to merge with.” His father continues.

“I do not even know them!” Hyunjin shouts.

“Ofcourse you do, the Kims are the owners of Kims’ and Co. The worldwide hotel and restaurant chains. We started doing business with them about six months ago and recently learned that they have a daughter, Kim Seungmin.” His mother begins to tell him about the Kims.

A household family name at this point with the strong business and social connections they have. They consist of a family of four, Kim Jaeung, Kim Lifey, Kim Wonpil, and Kim Seungmin. All holding respective offices in Kims’ and Co, with Kim Jaeung being the man of the house and CEO, although Kim Wonpil is set to take over that position in a few months time.

“Oh yes, I had some men look more into her and I must say I am quite impressed. She went to the best schools, is multi talented and quit famous for her beauty. Someone worthy of being our daughter in-law.” Amidst his father's complements of said Kim Seungmin, something which is quiet rare, Hyunjin can only stay gawking, finally seeing that his parents have made up their mind. When this is done, there is no convincing them.

“Well then, I agree to marry Kim Seungmin but that is only because I wish to take over the company as soon as I can.” Hyunjin vehemently agrees, looking forward to finally being free of his parents clutches on his life, even if just a bit.

“Wonderful, I shall call up Lifey and ask for her to set a meeting for you and Seungmin!” His mother says, excitement practically radiating off her.

“That is lovely.” His father, seemingly being affected by his wife's radiating joy as he keeps staring at her says.


Wowww, first chapter. Hope you enjoyed! Follow-up for next chapter.

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