Meet Cute

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Title - Meet Cute
Ship - Seungmin X Felix
Top - Seungmin
Bottom - Felix
Au - Non Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Nil
Summary - Seungmin's day at park was going well, until he was interrupted by an impact. Atleast he ended up meeting a cute boy.
Word count - 861

It was a beautiful day, the sky was bright yet still had a good number of clouds, the temperature was not too cold, and even if it were sunny, it was not too hot either. It would be a nice day to take a walk.

Which is why Seungmin took the opportunity, deciding to walk to the park and spend some time there before strolling around for a place to have lunch after.

Humming a song, he continued to walk along the pathway which led to the park, he could already see the opened gates.

As he looked around, he could not help but appreciate the world around him. Even with the urban noises all around, the atmosphere felt so tranquil for him. He felt calm and at peace.

Arriving at the park, he strolled around for a bit, seeing all the families having fun together, the pet owners playing with their fury companions, and even the solitudes like him who did their own things alone.

Sitting down at a bench, he decided to take a break before searching for his lunch destination.

Seungmin closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath as he rested not just his body, but his mind and soul as well. That calm went on for about two minutes.

All of a sudden, he was met on the head with a frisbee. Immediately, he was dragged out of his peaceful stupor as his eyes flew open and his brain registered the slight, growing pain at the right side of his head.

“Oh my god are you okay?!” A voice, a bit far, called out. Although Seungmin was too confused with the sudden events to acknowledge the person.

“What?-” Seungmin let out as he got trampled on by two big dogs, getting all up in his face.

“Shit, I am so sorry, I didn't mean for the frisbee to hit you, I was just playing with the boys and it went off course and now they're probably making it worse, I'm probably making it worse by rambling. I'm sorry.” The boy, who Seungmin only now registered, kept speaking before he stopped upon noticing Seungmin just staring at him.

“Um, are you okay?” The boy, a blonde with a deep voice and freckled face asked as he dragged his two golden retrievers away from Seungmin.

“Yeah I'm alright. Or atleast I think I am.” Seungmin muttered, bringing a finger to lightly poke at the place impacted to gauge the pain, letting out an almost silent hiss after.

“Oh thank god. Again, I'm really sorry. But are you sure you're alright? Your skin is starting to turn red, why don't I buy some ice for you at the convenience store across the street?” The blonde asked, putting his dogs’ leaches back on, ending playtime.

“Yeah I think that would be better, what about your dogs though?” Seungmin asked, agreeing with the stranger.

“I'll just tie em up outside, they'll wait, or cause a ruckus if someone tries to take them.” The boy said as he let out a laugh, teeth and all and Seungmin could not help but be mesmerized by the boy's beauty.

“Alright then.” Seungmin said as he got up, the pain at his head flaring at the action.

“I'm Felix by the way, and these are Moonshine and Sunshine.” Felix, the boy, said as he pointed at a dog as he introduced them. Seungmin let out a laugh, finding the names of the dogs to be quite cute.

“I'm Seungmin.” He also introduced.

As they continued to walk towards the convenience store. The air around them was filled with conversation and light laughter as they got to know each other better.

After getting the ice from the convenience store, they sat at one of the canopied chairs provided outside the building.

“Is it helping?” Felix asked, the two Shines looking up at him as though waiting for a reply themselves.

“Yeah it's numbing and soothing. I might have to use some ointment when I get home though.” Seungmin said, looking at Felix weirdly as the boy began to get slightly fidgeting and seemingly nervous. “You good?”

“Huh? Yeah I'm great.” He smiled.

“You sure?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

“Well, I was wondering if I could get your number? To know if your head heals well ofcourse! And if I need to take you to a hospital or not.” He replied, sheepish as he tried to play it cool. Failing miserable.

Seungmin let out a bright laugh at the boy's reaction, taking his phone out from his pocket as he handed it to the boy to insert his number.

“You can give me yours, and I'll text you.” Seungmin said, smiling as Felix took his phone and put in his phone number.

“Yeah, thanks.” The boy smiled back.

They sat at the chairs, continuing to chat for a while before having to go their desperate ways. Promising to talk some more after.

And later that day when Felix had received a text from an unknown number stating he was Seungmin, the squeal he let out would remain between his two dogs and his roommate.

If you're wondering why I haven't been posting much this month, it's cause I'm trying to save you all from Beyoncé… real.

Also! I've published a new book! It's Seungmin X Minho as the main ship, although there are others as well. It's titled 'fixated on you', do give it a look!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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