Animal Show

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Title - Animal Show
Ship - Seungmin X Jisung
Top - Seungmin
Bottom - Jisung
Au - Idol Au
Warnings/Tags - Slight spice, mentions of violence (between animals)
Summary - Seungmin comes back to the dorms to find Jisung occupied with something, will Jisung help him with his problem or not?
Word count - 829

Jisung was laying on the couch in the dorms, watching with fascinated eyes at the mesmerizing animals on the television before him.

The boy had always had a liking towards animals, television always flashing an animal focused channel or show. Just as it was now.

The boy dipped his hands into a bag of chips, stuffing his mouth full of the crunchy snack.

Jisung was now watching an animal fighting show, displaying many wild animals in their natural habitats. The way they fought for everything, food, territory, mating rights, made Jisung glad he was born a human. He was certain he would not have survived in the wild.

The sound of the dorm door being opened reverberates briefly before it was lost to Jisung's yells.

“Hey Jisung, I'm back!” Seungmin shouts, taking his shoes off and placing them on the shoes rack in the entryway.

“Jisung?” The boy calls out again, louder yet in a softer tone when the other did not reply to his first call.

“I wonder what he's up to.” Seungmin mutters to himself as he hears Jisung shout a “You can do this Romeo! Don't fall back!” at the television.

“Hey Jisung, what'cha up to?” Seungmin says, dropping to sit beside Jisung on the couch.

“Trying to not lose my mind! Romeo has literally battled with two others and now this guy is back for a third round!” The squirrel like boy says,  eyes trained on the large screen.

“Oh… Kay?” Seungmin lowly says, side eyes the telly where he sees two insects, beatles he thinks, fighting together. On of which had lifted the other up with horns at the front of their face and threw it off the tree branch they were on.

Jisung letting out a loud yell at that, reminiscent of Seungmin watching a watching a ball match, the latter thinks to himself.

He moved to cuddle up to Jisung more, missing the boy's body warmth.

The members have been packed with schedules and finally had a day off the next day and got off practice earlier than usual.

Each of the members were up to one thing or the other outside, leaving Jisung and Seungmin alone at the dorms.

Seungmin had just closed his eyes, his body relaxed, muscles at rest. That was before he was suddenly startled up by a loud scream from from the boy beside him.

“Ugh what now Jisung? I was just getting comfortable.” Seungmin whines out, giving Jisung a nasty look.

“The mountain goat I was rooting for just fell off to his death.” The boy in question pouts out, eyes sad and slightly glassy.

“Well sorry I guess? But it's nature, there's nothing we can do about it.” Seungmin says, putting his left hand on Jisung's thigh and rubbing in up and down motions for comfort.

“Yeah, but look at these kangaroos punch each other! I wonder if Channie can do that too.” Jisung says, laughing as an image of Chan throwing punches at a kangaroo out in the wild formed in his head.

“That old man wouldn't stand a chance, he might break his hip y'know.” Seungmin laughs out, wishing the man in question were there to hear the slander thrown at him.

“That’s so mean Seungmin… say more!” Jisung says out loud, clutching onto his stomach as he hollers out laughs.

“But hey, if you're still feeling down about the dead goat, I can help keep your mind off that.” The younger boy says lowly, voice dropped a few octaves and sounding more… huskier. His hand on Jisung's thighs beginning to rub higher up.

“Huh? What? No Seungmin, I'm busy.” The chubby cheeked boy says, initially confused but then understanding what the other was hinting at.

“But we have the whole dorm to ourselves. And you're literally just watching a TV show about fighting animals, I'm sure it'll play again.” Seungmin speaks again, moving to start lightly kissing down the other boys neck.

“No thanks, I do find this show about fighting animals interesting.” Jisung says, taking great offence at the words spoken about his precious show.

“But Jisung, I need you.” The boy drawls out, trying to kiss the older boy, who just turned his head to the side and used a hand to move Seungmin from obstructing his view of the telly.

“And I need to watch this show.” Jisung says, not sparing him a glance.

“So you're really gonna leave me hanging because of these animals?” Seungmin puffs out, feeling horny disappointment.

“Uh huh.” Jisung says, pointing to Seungmin's side where a pack of gummy worms sat on the couch handle. “Can you pass me that?”

Seungmin just huffs, getting up from the couch, carrying the pack of gummy worms, dramatically passing it to Jisung, and moving towards the bathroom to take a cold shower.

Jisung on the other hand just continued to watch the show, munching on his gummy worms as he watched two birds tassle over actual worms.

Got this idea while watching an animal show hehe.

But imagine getting cock blocked by an animal show TT.

Also, sorry for not updating in a while, I travelled and have been occupied tehe. I'll try to update this weekend!

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