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Title - Rest
Ship - Seungmin X Chan
Top - Chan
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Idols Au
Warnings/Tags - Tired Kim Seungmin
Summary - Seungmin is burnt out from the constant exams but luckily his Hyung is there for him
Word count - 640


Seungmin sat at his study desk, scribbling away notes for his physics exam he has the next day. Or well, later that day considering it is one twenty in the morning.

He has always had a difficult time when it comes to the subject. The theories, formulas, laws, practicals, and much more were just too exhausting and difficult for him to understand and remember.

Being a student was hard.

But being an idol and a student was even harder.

Not only did he have to deal with the rigorous idol life, practicing and perfecting his skills only for it to still be scrutinized, he also was still in highschool and is currently writing his finals.

He can swear that he has never been this burnt out before.

Looking up at the sound of the door opening, he sees his Hyung, Chan, walking into the door with a tray in his hand.

“Channie? What are you doing here?” He asks, his voice horse and hushed from not speaking for hours and trying not to speak too loud in order to not disturb any of the sleeping members.

“Saw the lights were on and that somebody was still going hard at it with the studying. How's it going?” Setting the tray down on the desk, towards the edge and far away from any books, Chan sits at the vacant chair beside Seungmin.

“It's going alright, but it's dragging me along the way. I'm sooooo tired Hyung.” Seungmin whines out as his eyes dart to the tray, on it were a plate of cookies and a cup of milk. Boy did he need a snack.

“Well don't over do it, you need to prioritize your heath always and you can't write an exam without enough sleep.”

“I know, I'll sleep in a bit. I just really have to go through these last few topics and I'll be good to go.” Seungmin says and he takes a cookie, chewing the goodness and thanking the heavens for sending his Hyung to give them to him.

“Okay but be sure to not stay up past two, you still need your rest.”

“I'm good Hyung, really, I just have to do well in this exam and then I can rest after.”

“Minnie, you've been studying for hours, days even. I'm sure you'll ace your exam, don't stress about it too much.” Chan says, trying to convince the younger to rest up, genuinely worried at his lack of sleep.

“I don't know Hyung, I just really wanna do well. It'll kill me if after all this effort I get a bad grade. I want and need to do well in my exams, and to achieve that I have to study now.” Seungmin persists, going back to facing his books as he continues to munch on the cookies.

“Minnie, I know how much this exam matters to you and I understand your need to do well. But I want you to understand my worry for your health. You should really get some rest soon.” Chan says as he lightly rubs the younger's shoulder.

“Okay, I'll finish up then go to bed by two. How does that sound for you old man?” Seungmin says, back to his silly self.

“Sounds good. And hey, why don't I keep you company until you're done huh?”

“Sure Hyung.” Seungmin knows Chan is only waiting to make sure he actually does go to bed on time, his Hyung worries for him and the others like that.

And as said, the second it was two on the dot, he packed up and heading to bed. Almost falling asleep immediately after his body came in contact with the bed.

“G’night Hyung.”

“Good night Minnie, sleep tight.”

And with that, his Hyung leaves him to enjoy his slumber. Heading to his own room to lay for a rest.


Soo sorry for not updating in a while, exams have been biting my ass. I have two one shots that I've written like half of each so I'll try to finish those up and post.

Also, I was totally not projecting my exhaustion on Seungmin... Totally.

And finally, please don't ask me why he needs physics if he's probably going for an art course, my brain is barely braining.

Seungmin X Straykids One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now