Arranged (Part II)

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Title - Arranged
Ship - Seungmin X Hyunjin
Top - Hyunjin
Bottom - Seungmin
Au - Non idols au
Warnings/Tags - Female Kim Seungmin, Arranged marriage, Enemies to lovers.
Summary - Kim Seungmin finds out that her parents have arranged her marriage to a one Hwang Hyunjin. She expresses her anger towards the decision.
Word count - 679


"you know, I still do not understand why I have to be dragged into your company issues. Can you not offer the Hwangs something else other than my whole future in exchange for financial benefits?" An agitated Kim Seungmin says to her parents.

They were just trying to enjoy their afternoon drinking tea together before their peace was disrupted by their furious child.

Just two days ago, she was informed that she would be getting married to Hwang Hyunjin, a supposed business man set to take over his family company soon. She was off on a training session in Japan when her parents called and suddenly dropped the news on her. Her mom kept going on and on about the multiple benefits of this mergence, about how much their own company would gain.

She left the country as soon as she was done with her work there, going straight to her parents immediately after she landed.

"Seungmin darling, this decision has been made already, there is no convincing us other wise. Moreso, we have informed the Hwangs that you agree to the marriage." Her dad, Kim Jaeung calmly said, taking a sip of his tea.

"Exactly Sweetie, there is no going back on this. The decision has been made and that is final. And about your future, you will only be married not imprisoned, stop exaggerating." Kim Lifey, her mother said, looking up at her with an enthusiastic smile.

"Well I find it obnoxious that you went ahead to make such a decision concerning me and just casually tell me like it meant nothing. Do you not care about my opinion? Do I not get a say? Am I not the one being married off to a complete stranger?" It is safe to say that Seungmin was purely infuriated. Did her parents truly not even think about her once before they decided to marry her off to a man older than her by six whole years?

"Ofcourse we care about you sweetheart. This is just different, it is best for not just the company but you as well. You are marrying into a good family, a reputable home that will take care of you, a man that will cater for your needs and wants." Lifey sets her teacup on the small round table in front of her and her husband as she stands to reach her daughter.

She reaches out for her hands and gets a hold of them, "we would never put you in a bad situation that would hurt you, we love you too much to ever do that. We prioritized your happiness way more than we did our financial benefit."

"Also, if Hwang Hyunjin ever tries to, or God forbid, does hurt you I will make sure to end him. Personally, with my own hands." Jaeung says, he already stood up and now joins his wife in holding their daughter's hands, giving her love and comfort in actions and words.

"Well, if you both believe that this is the best thing to do, I agree to marry him. I will marry Hwang Hyunjin." Seungmin finally yields. He was certainly still very skeptical about this whole ordeal, but if his parents speak so highly of the Hwangs, she might as well give it a try.

Seungmin has not really been in a serious relationship with anyone before. Sure there was the highschool and college flings but she always got into the relationships knowing they probably would not be her one truly. It was saddening but she always knew they would inevitable break up and go their separate ways.

"Now go rest up, you have a meetup with Hyunjin tomorrow. I will tell you more details later on. Now shoo shoo go on." Her mom playfully chases her away.

"What? So soon? Alright then. I'll be on my way, oh have I missed my bed." With a flaying of her limbs, she leaves her parents to their tea time.

"Weren't we lucky to get such wonderful children. They grew up so well." Jaeung chuckles out.

"They really did."


the amount of typos in these oneshots is insane. forgive me >~<

I just find it so hard to go through and re-read after writing them and never go back to do it.

Also it took me wayyy to long to write this cuz I kept getting distracted by the songs I was listening to lolz. I was like six songs down and only wrote three paragraphs 😭

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