Chapter 18

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*Ivy POV
"Goodmorning gorgeous" my babysitter Ann says before making her way inside my small mobile home.

"It wasn't nobody following you was there?" I ask looking behind her before quickly closing the door.

"No why would there be? You gotta stop being so paranoid." She says before lifting star from the floor who was on her playmat crawling around.

"When you've been through what I've been through you would be to." I say sliding my hand gun into my purse and making my way to the door before stopping. I turn around kissing star and looking at Ann. "If there is ever a time I don't come back, promise me you'll take care of my baby."

"What? Why would you say that I?" She ask concerned.

"Just promise me." I say seriously and she nod quickly.

"I promise I'll take care of her and raise her like my own." She says and we briefly make eye contact before I leave. After getting in my jeep and pulling off thoughts of Ann flooded my mind. I hope she really means what she says because I'm literally walking on faith right now ever since I heard about Payne, Jay and Patrick's release and my paranoia was getting worse every day..

Ann is a 28 year old girl who's always wanted children but could never have them. If something ever happens to me I'll die happy knowing I've made one person life better.

"Ivy what brings you by today?" Chief says smirking as I walk into his office. I pull off the cap I was using to hide my identity and blank stare him.

"You know why I'm here ! I'm a dead woman walking and you know it! I haven't heard from Big D in days! He's probably dead." He sigh looking at me.

"They won't touch you, they know we'll know exactly who did it so technically you're safe." He says nonchalantly.

"Are you shitting me right now?"

"Excuse me?"

"I risked my fucking life getting close to these people and your sorry ass department couldn't even do their jobs retaining enough evidence to lock ALL of them away for life. Majority of them are back in the streets and from what I hear yall don't have much evidence on Jose other than the drugs." I say making him look at the floor guilty.more than likely Jose has plenty of niggas who's going to be willing to take those charges.

"Ivy you're getting to emotionally wrapped up  into all of this." He says making me look at him in disbelief. I reach across his desk smacking him so hard his face swung to the side catching him by surprise. "Have you lost your fucking mind!" He yells looking at me in disgust.

"My fucking life is on the line right now ! Ian fucking around with you! This is all your fault you used me tried sending me to the prison with wires and now you just gone let me get killed off like the rest of your snitches." I say quickly grabbing my belongings and swinging open his office door. "Before I die ima make sure every single person I've ever locked away is freed. You're next." I say over my shoulder before storming out of his office.

As soon as I get into my car I scream at the top of my lungs punching the stirring wheel. "That mother fucker!" I scream banging my fist more before my tantrum is interrupted by my phone. I quickly get myself together in case it's Ann before clicking answer without reading the caller ID.

"You win. What do you want?" Chief says through the phone causing me to sigh in relief.

"Protective custody. Immediately for me and my daughter."

"Fine. Thursday 6 am be ready." He says before disconnecting the call. I sigh in disbelief and quickly crank the car speeding in the direction of my house.

He calls Me AnnMarie TooWhere stories live. Discover now