Chapter 2: Genesis

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The stillness of the night, broken by the noise made by a running figure. Fear crept through her spine as the thought of a particular brunette with those monsters. How ironic that she bears the blood of three monstrous bloodlines.

"Mikaelson!" a boy attempted to catch up. She ignored every plea made, focused on finding her. "Hope!" one of them vamped in front of her, but she had no intention of stopping.

Where exactly did this all begin? It was a day where the sun burned bright, the fire of her intentions of freeing herself were extinguished when Dr. Saltzman made her sit in his Land Rover. "It's a full moon tonight!" her argument fell on deaf ears. "A possible student needs our help, Hope,"

"And I need to-"

"No," His voice firm. So with utter reluctance, Hope Mikaelson had no choice but to go. Funny how she, the one fated to end all witches, yet she became a student recruiter for Dr. Saltzman. It was this or the whispered judgement from practically every one within the walls of the Salvatore School.

The mission itself was boring. Overly religious parents; well foster parents, thought their "son" was possessed by some demonic spirit. In the backseat of the depressing Land Rover sat two boys. One of them, Hope recognized, his name is Landon if she remembered correctly. The other was named Ralph or Raf or something and neither one wants to leave the other; that's going to cause issues, but it's tomorrow's problem.

The ride back to Mystic Falls was accompanied by uncomfortable silence, and dialogue attempts from an old man, yet Hope managed to sleep. She remembers someone saying that sleep is the door to the land of almost reality; dreams, it was probably Emma or Philosophy Class. But they forgot to mention the nightmares are also dreams.

Hushed voices made their presence known to Hope. Familiar hushed voices. Her blue eyes scanned the environment, awful memories flood her mind as the decrepit door opens. "Mom?" Two conflicting voices terrorized her.

"It's your fault!" "Hope, look away!"

A sharp knock brought Hope to the other land of nightmares; reality. Through the Land Rover's tinted glass, Dr. Saltzman signalled for the red-haired girl to step out of the vehicle. Her sleepy eyes land on familiar mahogany stairs and two figures walking towards them.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, boys," Dr. Saltzman quipped, "These are my daughters," He pointed towards the two girls in school uniform. "I'm Josette," said the brunette wearing pants instead of a skirt, shyly pushing up the glasses framing her face. "And I'm Elizabeth," said the blonde, clearly fascinated with one of the two boys.

Hope's eyebrow arched, Lizzie Saltzman actually wore the proper uniform, won't last long though. As for Josie, Hope found it odd that the doe-eyed twin wore her hairclip on a Thursday. "We're twins," Josie smiled, cheeks indented by a dimple. "Fraternal. But I'm obvs the prettier one," Lizzie joked, her sister laughing a little, something about it seem sad to Hope, yet the tribrid brushed it off as sleepiness

A voice filled the gaping silence, Mrs. Caroline Salvatore. "Girls, why don't the two of you take Rafael on his tour?" the twins nodded as Mrs. Salvatore led Landon somewhere else, "Where are you taking him?" the first words Hope heard Rafael said. "Just my office. I just need to talk to him. You should get some sleep, Hope," Dr. Saltzman didn't let anyone have another word in as Caroline and Landon headed inside.

"Hi Hope," Josie spoke softly while Lizzie scoffed. "Elizabeth, where are your manners?!"

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