Chapter 7: Lemons, Lavenders, and Liers

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Other than the chair, Hope came to hate Dr. Saltzman's Land Rover. The look. The smell. Even the texture of the seats. But what can a student do against the word of a teacher? Even if she's one of the most powerful beings in existence. "Why did Emma call you to her office?" Dr. Saltzman's question broke her train of thought.

Wait, he doesn't know? "Uh. Aunt Freya called Headmistress Caroline because I didn't return her call," Hope lied through her teeth, Dr. Saltzman didn't question her so no harm done.

Hope saw a familiar road path, the flashing images from the ritual came to mind, "You still haven't told me where we're going," Hope shifted in her seat, "Are we going to another student?" She plays dumb, it has worked well before and still does now, "And why is he here?" Raf sits in the backseat, with a worried look on his face. "A bus burned in this road-"

"Over there!" Raf pointed to the police cars surrounding a metal box. It still looked like a bus, if you squint hard enough. A man in a sheriff's uniform stops them from coming near, "Alaric Saltzman. What brings you here?" The two men exchange nods. "Well, Rafael here-" Dr. Saltzman pointed to the kid in the backseat, "-has a human foster brother. He wanted to make sure his brother wasn't in there,"

Dr. Saltzman assessed the bus with Hope while Rafael was left in the Land Rover. The old man squats down to get a closer look, "The burn marks on the walls look like a pyromancer's work," Hope nods, stopping herself from correcting him. As Dr. Saltzman talked with the sheriff, Hope went back to the Land Rover, opening the door, "We didn-"

The vehicle was empty, "Fuck,". Hope looked around, footprints with a familiar 'S' imprinted on the mud caught her attention. She closed her eyes, blocking out small insignificant noises. "Landon!" She heard faintly, "Got you motherfucker,"

Hope followed the voices to the forest , two figures hug not too far from her, "Well isn't this a nice reunion," Hope clapped slowly. "Hope!" The two brothers faced the red-haired girl. "Where is it?" Hope asked before either of the boys could speak. "What?" asked Raf.

"I don't have it," Landon said. A strange woman appeared behind Landon, scaring everyone with her presence. "Uh, ma'am is something wrong?" Raf asked. The woman just stared at Landon, a familiar red glow came from his jacket. "Lan. What is that?" Landon opened his jacket, the knife appeared in the pocket, much to his confusion. "You don't have it?" Hope said, "I'm not blind, but I think YOU have it,"

"I don't know how it got there," Landon stammers. The strange woman roars, fear invaded the two boys. Hope grabbed the knife from Landon's hand as the strange woman lunges forward. The woman's face met Hope's shoe as she kicks her in the face.

Back at the school, Lizzie stares with hatred at the Mystic High Timberwolves as they taunt the Stallion players. "Lizzie Saltzman, alone? Now that's a rare sight to see," A devilishly angelic voice broke her train of thought. Lizzie sighs, breathe in, breathe out, "What do you want Park?" The blonde's voice dripped of venom and malice, she faces the raven haired girl now sporting a short hair style.

"For you to not ruin Josie's life, and for my girlfriend back," Lizzie groans at Penelope's words, "It's been six months, Penelope. Six! Besides, YOU broke up with my sister." Penelope scoffs. "YOU broke Josie's heart and ruined her-"

"Because of you!" Lizzie swears to see veins appearing in Penelope's forehead. "Your bitchy, PATHETIC existe-" Lizzie lunged at Penelope, stopping just before the girl's face. The two girls were so close in proximity that Penelope could smell the peppermint and lavender lotion Lizzie obsessively wears. It was pleasant. Different. Pleasantly different than Josie's vanilla and lemon. "One word," Lizzie whispers, disrupting Penelope's train of thought. "I only need one word and I can make you very, VERY hot,"

"Oh really? What is it?" Penelope taunts the blonde twin, yet her smirk fades as Lizzie begins to pronounce the spell. "Incen-" Someone pulls Lizzie away from her, "Lizzie!"

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