Chapter 4: Ignis Absumet

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Sleep seems to run away from Hope. The girl tosses and turns yet her mind wouldn't let her rest. Hope came to discover that since the incident, her body seems to have gained the ability to disconnect from her mind, bringing her to places and having no recollection on how she got there.

"Oh, Hope. Hi," a voice pulled her from a trance. The tribrid scanned her surroundings, suddenly aware that she's no longer in the comfortable walls of her dorm, but, instead in the mahogany walls of the Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library. The source of the voice smiled at her, his name was Landon, or was it London? Is London even a boy's name? And who in their right mind names their child Landon?

He interrupted her train of thought, introducing himself with an outstretched hand to the girl. Hope stares at his hand with an arched eyebrow, "What are you doing here Landon? And before you ask, I am a student here. I have every right to be in the MemLib," Landon retreats his hand, "MemLib?"

"Memorial Library," Hope groaned. "Oh, that's what you call it," Landon looks around before meeting the girl's icy eyes, "So do you still like-"

"You still haven't answered my question. Are you just here to waste my time?" Hope's head tilted slightly, an expression the boy couldn't decipher painted her face. "Um. Apparently I have Vedane? Verbane?"

"Vervain?" Hope arched her eyebrow again. Landon nodded, "Yeah, that. They said I might've gotten it from the gas station coffee, and now we're waiting for it to pass my system," Landon smiled from ear to ear.

On the other side of the school, a particular brunette assured the anxious boy beside her as they headed towards the school gym. "Jo! Hey Rafael," Lizzie welcomed the two by the entrance of the gym, the musky odor of sweat radiated powerfully through the doors.

"This is where the school pack likes to hang out, so the smell may be..." Josie trailed off, looking for the right words. "Revolting," Lizzie mumbled. "Lizzie,"

"What? At least I know a big word," Raf stands between the sisters with a baffled colored face. "Let's just head inside," the trio entered the gym and true enough, many students gathered at the center, some working out, others sparring. "Well if it isn't the Saltzman twins," a boy with messy, wavy hair approached them, "Who's this?" He pointed at Raf, looking at him from head to toe.

"Hi Jed," Josie presented her signature sweet smile, "This is Rafael Waithe, a newly transformed werewolf," Raf nervously nodded his head, the boy in front of him emitted an intimidating aura. "Raf, this is Jedidiah Tien, the Salvatore School Pack's Alpha," Oh, that's why. Oh. OH.

24 hours came and went, the moment both Raf and Landon dreaded must happen. "Why can't he stay?" Raf faces the apologetic Caroline. "It's not safe for him to be here boy," Dr. Saltzman spoke, putting his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Then, I'm not staying,"

"No," Raf turns to face Landon. "You belong here dude," Landon smiled at the thought of Raf fitting in, it was what they've always wanted. He's still happy, even if only one of them gets to experience that. "I'll be ok out there," Raf hugged his brother tight, tears streaming down from almost all who witnessed.

"I'm ready," Landon wipes the tears from his eyes, "This won't hurt right?" Caroline shook her head, "No. All you have to do is relax and listen to what I will say,"

"Please don't make me forget him," Caroline nodded, respecting the boy's wish, "You'll forget all that you witnessed that are related to the supernatural, but you'll remember your brother. You'll remember all the memories you two shared," Caroline fought back tears of her own, "You'll remember that he is safe now and that he loves and cares for you," A tear fell from Landon's entranced, blank face.

That night, Josie looked top to bottom for her sister, the clock nears 8 and Lizzie still hasn't arrived at their room. "Looking for twin cuddles?" A familiarly dreadful voice stopped the brunette. Josie faces her and her devilish grin, "Penelope, what did you do to my sister?" she said through gritted teeth.

"Hey now. I didn't do anything," Penelope paused, "Today," Josie's jaw clenches, much to Penelope's amusement. "I mean throwing yourself to the new kid is a new low that I didn't think she'd go," The raven-haired girl laughs, "Then again, it's Lizzie Saltzman. She's bound to go lower,"

"Keep her name out of your mouth," Josie said assertively. Penelope smirks, "Don't use that tone with me Jojo. You know I get-" Josie harshly slaps Penelope's hand away from her face. The other girl scoffs, "Guess being pathetic runs in the bloodline," Penelope mumbled beneath her breath as she walked towards her friends.

Josie stares at her in anger, it's one thing to insult her, but insulting her family; especially her sister, is another. A spell spilled out of her tongue before she could think properly, her mouth seemed to have a mind of it's own, "Ignis Absumet,"

Penelope's long, black hair set ablaze, yet Josie felt no remorse. The brunette walks away from the scene as if she was never there, unaware that a certain blue-eyed redhead was witness to the whole scene.

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