Chapter 14: Sweetie Please

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After the brawl, Caroline frantically took a bleeding Josie and a panicking Lizzie to the ER, probably violating many traffic laws. The inside of her car now colored a beautiful color of crimson. "Hang in there sweetie." She said as she unbuckled herself and ran inside the Emergency Room begging, screaming for someone to help her.

"Care?" said a familiar voice. "What brings yo-"

"Elena?!" The look on Caroline's face and the tone of her voice alarmed the other Mrs. Salvatore. "I need help. Josie, she-" Caroline started to sob, words found it hard to escape her lips. She should have been there. She should have protected her daughters.

"Care, breathe. What happened?" Elena understood a mother's worry, being a mother in her own right.

The memory of the incident snapped Caroline's focus back on. "They're in the car." The two women ran outside, both could see a hysterical Lizzie banging on the window, prompting them to run faster.

Lizzie's sobs filled the air when the car door was opened. "MOM! IT'S NOT STOPPING!" Josie's eyes were near closing, head on the headrest, blood gushed out of her forehead despite the pressure Lizzie was applying.

"Hang on sweetie, okay?" Caroline covers her mouth, she can't break down, she needs to be strong for Lizzie. Josie nodded weakly.

Elena ran back to the ER, screaming for a gurney, returning to the car with a few nurses. A nurse opened the other car door to retrieve Josie, yet Lizzie would not let go. "No! NO!" Caroline had to pry Lizzie away.

"Lizzie, honey, she's fine." Elena assured, "I'll make sure of it." She looked at both mother and daughter. "Call their dad." she said before rushing back to the ER.

Caroline looked for her phone, only to realize she left it at her office. "I'll call." Lizzie said in-between sobs. "Daddy!" she sobs, "Josie's hurt! We're in the ER." Lizzie said through sobs. "It's so bad. I didn-" Lizzie couldn't continue her sentence. "Okay." She hangs up the call. "He'll be here."

After a grueling hour, Alaric made it to the hospital. "What took you so long?" Caroline's eyes widened at the sight of Hope in the Black Land Rover. "Ric."

"Where's Josie?"

"Doctors said she's fine. No broken bones or anything. Just that we're lucky we got here on time."

Dr. Saltzman went towards his daughters. "Daddy!" Lizzie gave him a hug as Josie tried to stand up. "No. Josie don't force yourself." His eyes landed on the bandage on her oldest daughter's forehead.

"The scar is hidden by her hairline, Alaric." said a familiar voice. "As time passes by, it won't even be noticeable."

"Elena." The two exchange hugs and greetings.

Josie was discharged around the time the sun set. The ride back to the school in the Land Rover was silent. Tension laid thick in the air as Hope sat on the passenger seat with The Headmistress and the twins in the back.

Hope stayed behind as the twins and their mom went inside the school. She frantically searched for her phone. "Hope, are you sure you left it here?"

"Yes." Aha, there it is. As Hope retrieved her phone, something caught her eye. Cracked lens tainted by crimson. The twins were in fifth grade, during the winter break Josie started to wear them, after exhibiting signs of nearsightedness the brunette was prescribed some adorable circular glasses. She looked like a girl version of Harry Potter. The Salvatore School Uniform helped sell the comparison.

"Hope!" Dr. Saltzman's voice brought her back to reality. Quickly, she snatched the broken glasses, hiding it in her pocket, she knew a spell.

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