Chapter 15: Why

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Josie was still a bit dazed after spending a good part of the day bleeding and in the hospital, letting Lizzie's rants about something she paid no mind to fade into the background.

She remembered how thick the air in her Dad's Land Rover was with tension. How she would sneak glances at Hope and how Hope would turn her head to the back slightly. Both of them focusing on some random thing when the other met their eye.

"Josie!" Lizzie snaps, "Are you ok?"

Josie stared at her sister, guilt made itself home inside her soul, eating at the remnants of her shattered heart. She didn't want to do what she did, but someone else could've gotten hurt had she not. "Yeah. I'm...fine."

"No, you're not. Spill."

"Nothing. Just hit my head."

"I know that. That's what I'm concerned about, Jo."

"It's nothing." She dismissed Lizzie, not wanting to remember what happened. How her heart broke as Lizzie bitterly pointed out their absent parents. How she siphoned from Penelope and made the girl swear secrecy. How she spelled Kaleb to fumble with the ball.

"There you go again." Lizzie threw her hands up. "You're hiding something. Again!"

"I'm not!"

"Jo, the last time you hid something from this-" She pointed to the bandage of Josie's forehead, "-happened."

"Lizzie, what Hope and I did had nothing to do with this."

"How can you be so sure?!"

"Because I sp-" Josie stopped herself from continuing her sentence.

"Because what Jo?" Lizzie asked. "Because you what?"

"Nothing. Twin cuddles?"

"Not until you tell me what's going on." Lizzie's hands land on both of Josie's shoulders. "Jo..." She paused. "Did you and Hope commit something illegal?"

Wait... "What?" Josie removed Lizzie's hands from her shoulder.

"Jo, did Hope make you kill someone?"

"No!" Josie buried her face in her hands. Lizzie's far too curious for her own good. She's already delicate enough, the truth would destroy her.

"Then what?!" Lizzie screamed, "Twins shouldn't be keeping secrets from each other! But you're not telling me anything and it's making me feel crazy!"

"Nothing. Nothing!" Josie screamed back, "You're safe. That's all that matters to me."

"I'm sa-" Josie knew the look on Lizzie's eyes. She got there. To the truth. And she could see her sister's heart breaking. "No...No...No!" Hurt, anger and betrayal painted Lizzie's eyes. "Jo, how could you?"


"How could you?!" Lizzie's scream made the room shake. "Why?!"

"Lizzie, breathe."

"HOW COULD YOU?!" The room shook so much that things fell off shelves and tables. Josie nearly lost balance as she called out to her screaming sister. Telling her to breathe and that she's here, but it only fell on deaf ears as Lizzie yelled about secrets and betrayal and pain.

Josie could've gotten hurt; again, had their parents not barged in.

"Lizzie, breathe honey. Mommy's here." Their mom pulled a sobbing Lizzie into a tight hug. Their dad had to take Josie out of the room, quickly saying something along the lines of "taking care of it", accidentally slamming the door on Josie's face.

"I didn't mean to..." Josie whispered, "I just didn't want her to get hurt."

Josie busied herself in the school kitchen, making a glass of milk. She planned on staying in the MemLib to pass the time. It was one of her sanctuaries. It was peaceful there; most of the time, and it helps connect her to Uncle Stefan.

She always wondered what he would have been like had he lived today. Would he have just stayed an uncle? Or would he have been a father figure for them? If he were, Josie would often think, maybe she would have a dad that will have her back, that would choose her. She loves her dad, he wasn't a perfect man, but he was her dad and she loves him because of that.

"Hey..." Oh god, not her.

"How are you?" Penelope approached Josie with her hands behind her back. "How's your head?"

Josie didn't say anything and drank the glass of milk she made. She didn't want to talk to Penelope, not now of all times. She's aware of the effect her ex has on her, and so did Penelope. Josie just wants to sleep and wake up tomorrow for this nightmare to end.

"My room's available," Penelope said, inching closer as Josie set the glass down. "If ever you need a cuddle buddy." Josie didn't need to look at her to know that Penelope was smiling.

It infuriated her how Penelope changed her life and nothing else has made her feel the same since. Both of them spoke a language only they understood. Josie desperately wants to forget the rose that bloomed in the garden of love, but is constantly reminded of the thorns that came with it.

Josie placed the glass on the sink and washed it, not sparing Penelope a single glance. Before she left the kitchen, she turned to her. Penelope was blurry; well everything not within three feet was without her glasses, but Josie could see her stupid dimpled grin. "Why did you make me choose?"

Penelope was taken aback by Josie's question. "What?"

"Why did you have to walk away? What did I have to choose between you and Lizzie?" Tears threatened to form in Josie's eyes.


"Why couldn't I have both of you?" After a pause Josie spoke again, " "I love you both. Why did I have to choose?" Josie left before Penelope could fully process her words. Josie went to her room, things seemed peaceful now. She opened the door. Her mom and Lizzie were cuddling in Lizzie's bed. Her dad was laying on the floor, one hand holding Lizzie.

They looked like a family...

Josie turned off the lamp by her sister's desk and sat on her bed. A picture frame caught her eye. It was the first day the school opened. They took a picture to commemorate the day. The day they were still a family. She sets the picture frame down and laid in bed, staring at the stars through the window. "Why?..."

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