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I slammed the dorm room shut and hyperventilated

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I slammed the dorm room shut and hyperventilated. I have no idea what happened to me today—It felt like I was yearning for something i've never yearned for before that's far beyond my knowledge.

I've never had an episode like that. Sure, I have anxiety and i'm prone to the attacks that come with it, but that was like no other.

I felt hostile almost.

"Angelo?" Jeremiah scared me from behind. I quickly turned around and faced him, "you good?" He asked me.

I looked to the side briefly, "i-i'm fine."

"you don't look—"

"I'm fine!" I yelled at him unexpectedly.

I shocked myself with that, and he was taken aback, "i'm sorry, i don't know what's gotten into me. i meant i'm fine." I said calming myself down.

in our defense, he shouldnt been asking all them damn questions.

"cool—uh—i was gonna go to the court, you wanna come?" He asked me.

"this late at night? it's almost curfew," I told him.

"Man who cares about what bitch ass curfew? It'll be fun," He said with a basketball i hadn't firstly noticed in his arm.

"i don't play basketball," I said plainly.

"you don't have to, you can just watch, and we can talk," He smiled.

I wanted to say no, but I swore to myself I'd at least try and be somewhat social.

it's risky...what if you have another one of those episodes like you did earlier....you don't wanna scare him—hell, we're lucky we didn't scare luca.

"Please, if you don't like it, i won't ask again," He said making a declining motion with his arms.

"fine," I gave in without giving that internal voice a chance to protest.

bad idea. but you do you.

"Bet!" He exclaimed, "let's go," He said moving past me and out the door.

I hesitated before following, but ultimately did.

We walked out of the building and down the sidewalk. We walked the opposite direction of the gym which confused me because I thought that's where the basketball court was.

"isn't the court back there?" I asked catching up to him so we were side by side.

"yea, but there's another one down here that i fuck with more," He said simply. I wasn't gonna argue, but i'd prefer to go to the other one.

We approached an outdoor basketball court that was surrounded by a taller fence. There was a fenced door that we ended up walking through.

Connected to this was a random tennis court which seemed slightly bigger than the basketball court.

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